episode 1 - boys, girls, and a new case (3)

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"Daisy, I'm here," Joe said. "Tell me what's wrong."

Daisy sighed in comfort. Her brother was the only person able to soothe her down when she had one of her panic attacks. She wiped off the snot on her nose and asked, "Is Moon there with you?" She had never told her best friend about what had happened to her when she was young, to cause her to react like that to the news of the missing girl.

"No, she's drinking wine in the living room." Joe spun the doorknob. "Come out and talk to me, sis." He knocked repeatedly. "Daisy, please," he sounded concerned. "I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you. Not now, not ever. I need you."

Daisy fathomed what Joe meant. A few days after being rescued from captivity, she attempted to drown herself in the bathtub. Luckily, Joe found her in the nick of time and called their mother who administered CPR.

She was tired of living back then. And if the man who abducted her had returned, Daisy feared the same mental state may recur. It was difficult for her to talk about her scars (psychological and emotional ones). No one understood the pain and torture she endured, yet they tried giving her advice on how to get through it.

Seeing a psychiatrist didn't help.

Living in a psych ward for a week made her worse.

People looked at her as a victim, not a survivor.

Then one day Daisy did something about it. She picked up a machete and trained with her parents. By the age of twelve she was out killing monsters. It didn't take her long before she realized hunting was the cure to her insanity.

Daisy opened the door to find a tear-faced and blood-soaked Joe staring at her. Without saying another word, he grabbed her slender arms and pulled her in for a heartfelt hug.

"Never scare me like that," Joe said. "Who will I fight with about Game Of Thrones being better than The Walking Dead?"

She laughed before rubbing off the tears from her eyes. "Only a stupid person will assume that. The Walking Dead is miles ahead. Walkers are better than White Walkers. Same way DC is greater than Marvel."

Joe gasped, his hand over his chest. "You didn't just say that. Please, tell me I imagined it."

"DC is way better than Marvel." She stuck her tongue out.

"Shame. On. You," he remarked. "Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Marvel movies are a million times bigger than the crap DC is releasing."

"DC is still trying to figure itself out. Batman Vs Superman would have been good if it wasn't rushed."

"I don't think so. The problem was Superman did't act like Superman. Not once did he smile in the whole movie."

"He did. When he saw Lois Lane bathing."

"That wasn't Superman. It was Clark Kent." Joe shook his head at his sister's failure to distinguish the two. "But at least Suicide Squad was good. When we were at comic con, I swear Harley Quinn winked at me."

"I'm certain that was a guy in a Harley Quinn costume."

"No, what I meant is Margot Robbie winked at me." He frowned. "Stop trying to change my words."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." Daisy patted his back and stepped into the corridor. She parked down and leaned on the wall. Joe's ability to distract her by talking about things she liked made her love him even more. He constantly put her happiness before his own. It was why she wanted Joe to be with somebody who would pamper him also.

From a young age, Joe had planned to be married before he turned twenty-five, have at least one child by thirty, and retire from hunting at thirty-five. Same way their grandparents did.

But at twenty-one now, he had four more years to achieve his goal. But there was one hurdle in Joe's plans: his love for Moon.

"Sit." Daisy patted the spot beside her and Joe obliged. "I know I swore to tell you what happened to me all those years-"

"Don't worry about it," Joe told her. "All that matters is you're here with me." He grasped her hand. "There's no Turner Twins without Daisy. And me." Joe smiled. "But don't worry about the man, Mom and Dad killed him."

"They never recovered his dead body. And in our line of work that could mean anything."

"You are right. But if he shows up, Mary-Kate and Ashley will take care of him."

"No, Chete will," Daisy remarked.

Joe puffed. "Your ugly machete is not better than my axes. Mary-Kate has decapitated more heads than a butcher. Ashley has torn more limbs than Freddy Kruger."

Daisy rolled her eyes. "Do you have to rhyme when you talk about your dumb weapons?"

Joe narrowed his eyes. "Maybe."

"Are you two done?" Moon interrupted them. "There's something you need to see." The twins followed her to the living room, then sat on the same couch. Moon rewound the news channel and Gina Yanez appeared on the screen again. "Listen carefully," she told the twins.

"Gloria's parents have no idea who could have taken their daughter. But be warned everybody, this is not the first missing child's case. For the past few weeks, boys and girls under the age of ten have been declared missing. And no one saw or heard anything." Gina did her usual dramatic pause, then added, "Until tonight."

The camera turned to an older woman with short blonde hair and green eyes. Her name appeared below the screen, Ellen. She was Gloria's mother. "When I woke up in the middle of the night to go grab a drink, I heard a noise coming from my daughter's bedroom. Running up to check on her, I found this... this..." Ellen was too flabbergasted to go on.

Gina rubbed the woman's back tenderly. "Take your time."

Ellen got herself together and proceeded, "I found this man in a black suit standing over my daughter's bed. He had no face."

"Maybe he had a mask on?" Gina asked.

"Maybe. It was dark, I couldn't see properly. All I know is he had large octopus-like tentacles coming from his back. When he saw me, one of his tentacles wrapped itself around my throat and choked me until I lost consciousness." She removed the dark scarf around her neck and revealed her purple scar. "See what it did to me?" She pointed at her injury. Ellen covered her neck again and continued, "Later after I woke up, my daughter was gone. And that's when I called the police."

"You did good." Gina looked back at the camera. "A tragedy has unfolded in Ramere. Who is this mystery man in a suit and mask? Find out next time on The Gina Report."

Joe gazed at Daisy. "You know what this means?"

Daisy grinned. "We have a new case to solve."

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