episode 20 - season finale (1)

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With Slenderman dead, the sky above Ramere had gotten its smile back. The sun was out and bright, with flowers giving exotic bloom and birds chirping. Though it was a good day to be outside, the Turners had gathered inside Jack And Jill's Funeral Home

Bush's fellow actors and Susan's knitting group were there, alongside other hunters the two had become associated with over the years. The funeral home had rows of chairs, with Daisy, Clint and Cleo sitting at the front row which had fancier chairs designed for immediate family. 

In front of the chairs was an open space where the two open caskets were displayed. There were two large, yellow candles on each side of the caskets. Above the caskets were complimentary white roses from Jack and Jill. And in the background, faintly playing, was one of Bush's understudies from the theater playing the piano. 

Joe leaned against the pillar, arms crossed on his chest and staring at the people there. Everyone was crying and still in disbelief, even with the dead bodies right in front of them. He had missed people saying their final goodbyes and telling funny stories about Bush and Susan. 

He never wanted to be late, but after what happened two nights ago, Daisy had asked him to stay away from her and everyone close to them. He had never seen his sister be so afraid of him, though he understood where she was coming from. 

He would have been afraid of himself too. 

What was he? 

Daisy accused him of lying to her, but he honestly had no idea that he was a... The word was caught in his throat. 

Was the part about him being Daisy's twin a lie? 

Was he adopted?

He couldn't get close enough to his parents to ask them. They too stayed as far away from him as possible. 

Is this how monsters feel? Banished from society for being different?

The caskets were closed by the funeral director and attendant, and pallbearers carried them by the handles to the hearse. Friends and family followed. Joe, reluctantly, joined them from a distance. 

When at the cemetery, the caskets were laid on rails and supported by belts so they could be lowered into the ground. 

Many tears were shed. Joe cried too. It hurt him that he couldn't be right there to give a final sendoff. If there was anyone who deserved to bury Bush and Susan, it was him. He could have forced his way into giving a goodbye, but he didn't want to cause a scene. 

Things had quickly become tense between him and his remaining family members after they found out he was a... he was one of the things they hunted. He didn't want to make matters worse, especially at his grandparents' funeral of all places. 

Everyone there said their final words. Daisy was last. Though she was never as close to Bush and Susan the way Joe was, it still hurt losing a loved one. Especially two. "Most people are never lucky to grow up in a household with both their parents and grandparents, but I did. Though we had our differences and quarrels, you two taught me a lot. I will miss you. We will all miss you. I love you, grandma and grandpa. I hope you're in a better place now."

In the end, most people left and the funeral staff stayed behind to make sure the caskets were lowered by the cemetery staff. Daisy remained, watching as the workers covered up the grave. She turned around in a moment and caught Joe staring at her. They locked eyes for a minute, no one said anything. 

Then, she left the workers and headed to where Joe was. He stood under a tree, dressed in his black suit from years ago. He only had one, which was for special occasions like weddings or any other ceremonies. 

But that day, he chose to wear it for the final time at his grandparents' funeral. 

"Hey," Daisy said after she got close to him.

Joe sniffled and said, "I know I am not needed here, I'll leave."

"Wait." Daisy grabbed his arm when he was turning around. "I'm sorry."

Joe was taken aback. After what transpired over the last two days, she was sorry? What for? 

"I'm sorry for the way I acted and treated you. You have to understand, I was angry and in shock after seeing what..." She swallowed her saliva, then continued, "I was shocked after seeing that you were... different."

"You mean a monster?"

"See, growing up we were the humans who hunted them. And when I was kneeling there, unable to do anything after Slenderman had killed grandma and grandpa, I hated myself. Then you stepped up, all your injuries healed and you turned into this... thing. Do you even know what you are?"

Joe hadn't stopped asking himself that question since. What was he? He wasn't something he had fought before, or heard about, or even read about. What kind of monster shot fire out of its mouth? 

A dragon? 

He laughed at the thought. It seemed that was the best he could come up with over the last twenty-four hours. 

Joe gazed at the ground, then back at Daisy and shook his head. 

"Listen, I was mad at myself for not saving them in time, and that's part of the reason why I snapped at you." She grabbed his hands. "I was scared, Joe. What if I am like you?"

"Are you sure you aren't?"

"No, Dad said I am not. Our bloodline has never had a monster in it; not born or turned. You're-"

"The first," Joe finished the sentence. "I am looking for answers as much as you do, and I think it will be best if we stay away from each other for a while. I need to figure all of this out on my own."

"I agree." She put her hands on his shoulders. "Go discover yourself. Maybe there are others like you out there, you never know." She kissed his forehead and added, "Best of luck. I hope you'll get what you need."

"And if I don't?" he asked, looking at her intently. 

"Then don't comeback to my city." With that, Daisy walked away. 

The Turners: The Rise Of Slenderman (Season 1) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now