Crush, Chop, & Burn Pt. 1

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"Welcome to your new home, Mrs. Davenport!" Leo's new stepdad- Donald Davenport- said while carrying Tasha inside the house.

"Why, thank you, Mr. Davenport." Tasha replied.

"Absolutely, Mrs. Davenport." He murmured as they kissed when Leo and I carried in their bags annoyed.

"We get it- You guys are married. It's getting old." Leo said irritated. The two of us dropped their bags while Donald set Tasha back on her feet on the floor.

"Wow! You got this big house just from inventing things?" Leo exclaimed, his eyes widening.

"You say that like he's not a famous scientist or something." I pointed out mockingly.

The frail boy pointed at me with a roll of his eyes, saying with a sarcastic smile, "Oh, Des, do us all a favor and shut up!"

I merely shrugged at that with Leo suddenly asking his stepfather, "What the heck is that?"

Davenport still doesn't recognize me as Lab Rat D- which is fortunate.

"That is Davenport Industries' first completely interactive 3-D TV." Donald explained to my best friend since I was six and he was five.

Donald moved his hands to each sides of the gadget as beeping, humming sounded from it. A light shot out and then a holographic baseball game appeared the center of the living room.

I lean across the counter, resting my chin in my hand where my elbow rested on the counter.

The crack of a bat hitting the ball sounded while the crowd cheered sounded from the holographic baseball game. Leo backed up towards the wall and jumped against it in attempt to catch the ball only to make a face appear on a monitor on the wall.

"Watch the vase, termite!" The smart home system said, startling Leo who quickly went over to his mom.

"Mom, I think the little voice inside my head is back." Leo sheepishly said.

"No, this is Eddy. He's my smart home system. Eddy, this is my new stepson, Leo and his friend, Destiny. Remember, I told you Leo and Tasha are moving in today?" Donald replied.

"Hey, welcome. Everything here is mine." Eddy commented.

"Yeah, real friendly." I sarcastically say, waving slightly and resting my chin back in my palm and grinning at them.

"Uh, Leo, why don't you and Destiny go check out your new bedroom? Just go straight down that hallway and when you see the room with the video games and the action figures and the fifty-foot screen TV-" Donald replied as Leo's grin grew, "Keep walking- That's mine." Leo's smile fell in disappointment.

Leo walked towards me and dragged me down the hall then.

After wandering through the endless rooms, we stopped in Leo's new bedroom. "This place is huge! I'm gonna need a GPS just to find the bathroom." Leo said in amazement, leaning back against the wall as a secret elevator appeared on the other wall.

The two of us exchanged a look and stepped inside as the doors quickly closed. "Hello?" Leo called out once the doors finally closed. It took us down to the basement while Leo screamed, making me cover my ears due to having ultra sensitive bionic hearing.

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