Space Colony: Pt.2

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Chase had his arm in front of me protectively as we all watched Victor Krane carefully while the said villain spoke up, stepping closer to us, "I knew you'd show up sooner or later."

"Where's my wife? And what have you done with the colonists?" Donald questioned.

"In due time. But for now, what do you say we focus on our little reunion? Destiny, come." Victor replied, looking right at me as did everyone else.

"Why would Des do such a thing and listen to you?" Donald inquired while stepping in between me and my uncle.

"Because she's now under my control." Krane answered.

Something felt like it was 'turning on' inside of my mind, my eyes briefly glowed green and settled back to my brown. I step out from behind Chase and move away from my family and now stood beside Krane. "Des, no, fight it!"

"Just for the sake of asking, if we were to sacrifice Tasha-" Perry started as Leo pushed her behind them and cut her off, "Get over here!"

"We blasted you miles into the sky. How are you even alive?" Bree asked the man.

"What are the odds he'd land here?" Adam added.

Victor spoke up in garbled speech as we all look at him strangely. "What?" Chase asked in confusion.

"I said-" Krane began and then spoke in the garbled speech again.

"Still not gettin' it. Sounds like something's jammed in your air duct." Adam replied.

Krane smacked his mask as it made a staticky noise and then he spoke up again, "Better?"


"When I fell back to Earth, I sustained severe injuries. This face plate helps me breathe." Krane explained.

"Well, I think it's an upgrade from the chain of paper clips you had on your face." I sarcastically remark as he glared at me. I raise my hands in slight surrender, "Just saying."

"How did you get up here?" Leo inquired towards the villain.

"I used a colonist, pretended I was a colonist." Krane explained, "Remember Roberta from Kentucky?"

"It all makes sense now. The satellite, the hole in the dome. It was you." Donald replied.

"When I heard you and Destiny were creating a space colony in another galaxy, I realized this was my perfect opportunity." Krane said.

"To become a middle aged southern woman?" Adam replied.

"To create a new base camp for my bionic army, far away from any meddling humans." Krane said.

"Well, you don't have a bionic army anymore. They work for us now." Bree pointed out.

"That's where you're wrong. Technically, they work for Destiny through her bionic sonar ability." Krane replied, nodding over at myself.

"What do you mean?" Donald asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Destiny's sonar ability isn't just for tracking bionic people. Why do you think I'm so keen on her joining my side? She was always my backup plan, even if Destiny didn't know herself." Krane answered.

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