Bionic Rebellion: Pt.1

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I pinned a student from my group, Dana, down and helped her back up. "Okay, Dana, you're losing control and not thinking strategically on your next move. Now, use one of your abilities and try to catch me off guard." 

She started to use her sonic scream ability as I manipulated the vibrations of the scream with my earth ability and forced it upwards instead of blasting me back like she had intended. Dana threw a laser sphere after another as one hit me. I fall on the mat and groan, "Yup, like that."

"I'm so sorry-" Dana started while helping me back onto my feet.

"No, you did good. Tomorrow, we'll work on defense instead of offense." I cut her off as she grinned.

Davenport walked into the training room then and stopped beside Leo, outstretching his hands and smacking Leo in the face as said boy glared at him. "I have returneth from the Mainland." He announced.

"And no one careth." Leo commented while stretching his hands out and smacking his stepfather in the face also.

Davenport rubbed his face and looked around at everyone. "Ah, come on. No fanfare? No balloons? No rousing around for applause?" I walk over to them and lift an eyebrow towards the billionaire inventor.

"I didn't even know you were gone." Bob commented.

"If you're looking for applause, try adding a couple more bathrooms in the student dorm. Maybe just one exclusively for Bob." Spin pointed out.

Bob nodded in agreement and looked over at Davenport. "I gotta agree. It ain't pretty in there."

"I'm gonna take your word for it. Guys?" Donald said, the last part towards Leo, the trio, and myself as we follow him out of the training room and into the main room. "So, how have things been going without me here?"

"Amazing! I mean, uh, we miss you." Bree grinned and then stop and gave him an innocent lip pout.

"Don't worry, Mr. Davenport. Adam, Bree, Chase, and Des have been doing a great job. They're amazing mentors." Sebastian commented, wrapping an arm around my shoulders lightly and added with a flirtatious smile, "Especially Des." 

I grin but shrug and caught the slight look Chase gave Sebastian and quickly step a bit away from Sebastian, me now standing on the other side of Donald who replied, "Well, good, maybe I can cut my trip short and head back to the Mainland tomorrow."

"Cool. He finally got the hint." Adam replied as Davenport looked at him, "I mean, she loves you!" He acted like how Bree sounded a second ago while attempting to make a heart with his fingers also.

"Not so fast, Donald come lately." Perry spoke up from behind Davenport and beside me. "Things around here aren't as peachy as the droid babies say they are."

I fold my arms across my chest and look down at the woman. "Really? Name one problem, Sergeant Short Set." I remark sarcastically.

"Well, for starters, they've been littering in the hallways-"

"That was you-" I start.

"Making rude gestures to passing coast guard ships-"

"Also you." I add.

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