Bionic Showdown: Pt.1

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"I will always find you, my child

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"I will always find you, my child." A gentle voice spoke through my mind as my parents' and the twins' deaths replayed in my head. I sit up on my bed, my hand clenching the pillow as I cried. I tuck a strand of brown hair behind my ear and continue to weep.

I get up and change out of my pajamas. I was now wearing black skinny denim jeans, a gray v-neck tee shirt, and a no-sleeve, flannel button up top that I left unbuttoned. After putting on gray ankle-length socks, I slide on my black combat boots that folds at the top.

I leave my wavy brown hair down and strap my high-tech watch on my left wrist, which allows me to change into my super suit. I head downstairs and leave a sticky note on the counter for Justin to read: Went over to Leo's and I'll be back later tonight. Signed, Des.

I leave out of the house and walked over to the Davenport-Dooley house and entered after using the key around my neck. They had finally gave me a spare key to the house, since I come over here constantly. I had put it on a chain and made a necklace out of it.

I close the door behind me and slide the key necklace back over my head to where it now rests on my chest along with the silver heart locket that Chase gave me. I walk downstairs and enter the lab just as the trio left to go on their mission. Leo smiled at me and handed me an earpiece to help with the mission on comms like him and Davenport.


The trio ran inside of the lab cheering as I look up from the cyber desk as Leo looked up from his laptop at his desk. "Guys, that was awesome!" Leo stated, "You just prevented the biggest oil spill in history."

"Pretty slick, huh?" Chase said.

"If only we could've prevented that disaster of a pun." I reply sarcastically but still amused. Chase moved over to stand beside me then.

"Hey, Mr. Davenport. Anything you'd like to say to us, rhymes with 'good job'?" Bree said as Donald walked over to them.

"The answer's in the clue." Adam added, leaning over towards Davenport.

"What were you guys thinking?" Donald stated as he stood on my other side, loud enough to hurt my bionic hearing as I cringe. He noticed and looked a little concern and apologetic. I shrug lightly.

Adam laughed. "Nope, not even close." I shake my head slightly at him as he just shrugged.

"You completely ignored my mission plan, improvised everything, and jeopardized the entire mission." Davenport continued.

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