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Destiny stepped forward as Douglas and Leo continued to walk backwards until they were against the wall, her hands were glowing a dark orange and eyes were green from the Triton App.

"Des, come on. You don't want to do this. It's me- Leo, your best friend. Come on, you're like the strongest person I know. Fight it. Please, where is my best friend, Des? Where is she?" Leo started, fixing to throw a laser sphere.

Destiny looked down and stopped in her tracks, but then looked back at the two people in front of her; her eyes still green. Leo threw a laser sphere at her as the girl absorbed it through her hand and threw it back at them. Douglas and Leo quickly ducked then.

"Hey, Leo, Douglas-" Donald started, walking into the lab but stopped as Destiny looked over at him. "Des? Who's controlling her?"

"Krane." Leo and Douglas quickly answered for the billionaire.

The room began to tremble as Destiny made vines sprout up and twist around the three people around her, tying their legs, arms and wrists, and waists. She moved over to the cyberdesk, typing swiftly while hacking into the mainframes as the vines around their necks tightened each time they struggled.

"Des! Don't do this! It's us! We're your family, your home." Donald started, quoting the teenager's own words to him.

"I have no home." Destiny simply replied, her face expressionless while she continued to pull up important files and documents of Davenport's.

"What is she looking for?" Leo asked the two adults curiously.

"Probably information on us for Krane." Douglas answered.

Destiny opened a holographic file that contained the words Lab Rat D as she unlocked the security block on it. "Des, no!" Donald started as Destiny looked over at the billionaire and continued to flip through the information.

"Donnie, what's in that file?" Douglas asked in a slight hushed tone.

"Something that could destroy all of us, including Adam, Bree, and Chase." Donald muttered, "And it all starts with Des."

Destiny walked out from behind the cyberdesk and stopped in between Leo, Douglas, and Donald. A small smirk fell onto her facial expression as she released them, her eyes turning purple. "Miss me?"

"Zelda." Donald and Douglas murmured, watching the bionic super with slight raised eyebrows.

"That's right. And before I step back and bring Des back, I have something to tell both of you. Krane has her under his control- And this Triton App- it affects her differently than the others. She's related to him by blood and from a different realm, which means, well... it'll be a lot harder to bring her back." Zelda commented.

"How did you gain control over her again, Zelda?" Douglas asked curiously.

Zelda grinned, tilting her head back and looked up, and then looked over at him. She pursed her lips out in amusement and remarked, "Des is about ready to give up the fight. She's tired of always having to keep control over her power, always following everyone's orders and never asking for help on anything concerning herself because she doesn't want anyone to worry about her."

"Bring Des back." Leo spoke up.

"Okay, but she'll be under the Triton App, and won't even remember who you guys are- except that you're currently her target for Krane." Zelda commented. "She won't even remember this conversation. Have fun, boys." Her eyes changed back to green as Destiny's hands glowed dark orange.

"Des, come on! Don't do this! Come back to us. Fight it." Leo tried again as Destiny stopped for a second and raise her hands, the trembling increasing.

Leo threw another laser sphere at the brunette in front of him as she dodged it effortlessly. The trio finally ran down to the lab, wondering what the earthquake is from and hoping that it wasn't their best friend, Destiny, doing it. "Des!" The trio exclaimed as she faced them. They slightly widened their eyes to see her now green eyes.

No, this isn't right. Something's not right. Destiny found herself thinking as she looked around the room. But she continued anyway, not able to stop herself.

The trio stood in defensive stances, not really wanting to fight the girl. "Des, it's us. You can fight it." Destiny blasted the three back with her earth ability, making them slam into the wall behind them. She ejected the flash drive and placed it into her pocket, looking at each one of them.

Chase picked himself back up and approached the girl he loves. "Des, you can overcome the Triton App. We're your family." He started just as Destiny slung him against the wall by her telekinesis, choking him as he struggled for air. "Des, please! Stop!"

"I really don't want to hurt you, Chase. So, listen to me very carefully. I don't want your help. So, next time you come after me, I will." Destiny threatened lowly, releasing the hazel eyed boy who fell to the floor again. She geo-leaped away from them then.

"We lost her again... She's gone." Bree muttered miserably.

"We're getting her back. We won't lose her again. See if her GPS locator is turned on or if she disabled it." Donald replied.

Douglas was the closest to a cyberdesk as he pulled up the information, saying, "She turned it off- and she took what was in that file."

"What file?" Chase asked curiously.

"Her file that I had made." Donald answered.

*Two Months Later*

"Did you get it?" Krane asked impatiently towards the super teenager who smirked.

"Piece of cake." Destiny answered, tossing him the flash drive as he caught it effortlessly. She stood outside of his cell. "They won't see it coming, Uncle Krane." He grinned in satisfaction.

"Excellent. Now, go back to them and keep me updated. Everything is almost ready." Viktor Krane replied as the brunette outside of the cell nodded and geo-leaped away.

She appeared in the Davenport-Dooley living room, her eyes brown due to her water manipulation ability at its work. She smirked a little and popped her neck on both sides. "This is going to be fun."

The trio, Donald, Leo, and Douglas headed upstairs to the living room and stopped in their tracks, noticing the girl. "Des-"

"What- What happened?" Destiny murmured while looking around the room confused, falling to her knees.

All six of them hurried over to the teenager, helping her stand back up, and buried her in a tight hug. "It doesn't matter. You're home now." Donald reassured Destiny who furrowed her eyebrows at them.

While they were still hugging her, Destiny's eyes briefly glowed green and settled back to brown as a small smile passed her lips. They are buying that I'm back to normal and they're clueless.


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