Des & Leo vs. Evil

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I appear in the Moore living room in my super suit. "Guess who just took down Megahertz with Tetron- This girl did." I say with a grin but it soon fades when I notice my family being pinned to the wall by an invisible force.

"Mom? Dad?" I mutter, "Emily? Blake?" They were all there pinned, except for Justin. "Is this an illusion?"

They four of them shook their heads quickly, tears in their eyes and now unable to breathe. "Who's doing this?"

A dark haired, ivory skinned, brown eyed woman approached out of the corner and stood behind me. "I am."

That voice. It belongs to that woman I had bumped into the day of the robot showdown. "Who are you really?" I find myself asking, still not facing the woman.

"My name is Elizabeth. I told you that already." The woman answered.

"What do you want? Let them go." I murmur quietly, finally facing her.

"I am not your enemy, my dear. They are. They don't deserve you. You deserve far more than them. You deserve to truly belong somewhere and not feeling lost." Elizabeth softly spoke, extending her hand towards me while still holding her grip on my family.

"How do you know about me?" I ask cautiously, moving my fingers a little as green vines sprouted up quickly and grabbed onto the stranger's arms and legs.

"Now, Destiny, let's not do anything hasty. I still have a hold on this family." She murmured just as a vine wrapped around her neck.

"And I have a hold on you." I point out.

Elizabeth smiled a little and then looked at me sadly. "These people don't consider you part of their family. They're just using you, Destiny."

I look back at my family and shake my head slowly and look back at the woman. "Who are you? How do you know me?!" I demand once again.

"I know you because I'm your mother... your real birth mother." Elizabeth replied. I feel my mouth drop slightly, the vines loosening a tad bit but still restrained her.

"Aaahhh!" My parents and younger siblings screamed in pain and agony

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"Aaahhh!" My parents and younger siblings screamed in pain and agony. I whip my head around and see that their heads now hung.

Tears dropped onto my cheeks as I look down at the floor then. It felt like the wind was knocked out of me, like I was just punched really hard in the gut by someone with super strength. I fall to the floor on my knees and let out a scream of anguish and hurt.

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