Adam Steps Up

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"Alright, listen up, everybody! We're introducing a new element to training- the Bionic Battle. Each week, two of you will be pitted against each other in a physical challenge." Chase announced.

"To the death?!" Spin said excitedly.

I raise my eyebrows and reply, "No, Mighty Mouse. Anyway, each week's winners will earn points toward advancing to the next bionic skill level. And the loser gets, well, humiliated?" I glance at Chase who stood slightly behind me and both held an innocent smile.

"Spin, since you're the youngest, you get to choose your opponent first." Bree spoke up.

"Yes. Scared? Ya should be." Spin replied.

"No, no. This isn't about scaring people. No one's gonna get hurt." Chase said. And, as if he said a magic word, a basketball came flying into the room and it hit him in the back as he looked around startled. Bree, Chase, and I ran into the main room and noticed Adam with his group shooting basketballs into the net above them. "What are you doing?"

"We're throwing this thing at that thing." Bob answered while gesturing from the ball to the basketball net and looking over at us. "I'm an athlete."

"Adam, you're a mentor now. You have to start acting like one." Bree commented.

"I am. We're supposed to teach them how to use their abilities. So... we're having a bionic slam dunk contest." Adam pointed out, high-fiving me. Bob took off running and exclaimed, "Incoming!" Then he levitated off of the floor and into the air, doing a slam dunk but still was holding onto the rim.

"Bob, get down from there!" Bree told the dangling boy above us.

"No can do, little lady. No can do." Bob murmured.

"Why not?" Bree asked.

"Because I'm afraid of heights!" Bob admitted.

"But you can levitate." I point out with raised eyebrows as Bree and Chase nodded in agreement with me.

"Oh, I'm good at going up. It's the going down part that never ends well."

"I'll have to use my molecularkinesis to get him down." Chase commented while approaching the hanging boy.

"Or you could just use a ladder." Bree remarked.

I watch Chase begin to hold him with his molecularkinesis as he let him slip and both of the goal and Bob started to collapse onto Chase. I slow their fall by my earth and air abilities, manipulating the vibrations, and laid them lightly on the floor. "You're welcome." I cheekily comment, "No one got hurt."

"Aw." Adam replied sadly. I pat his shoulder lightly and stifle back my laughter.


"Hey, has anyone seen Bob? Short, blonde, looks like a Bob." Adam questioned while walking up to us.

"I thought you was mentoring him in the fine art of belly flopping." Bree remarked.

"Oh, he did that already. Adam, I haven't seen him since he took out that swordfish." I point out, first to Bree and then to Adam.

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