Drone Alone

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I finally finish burying their graves in the backyard, and plus, the house was cleaned up and fixed as well; Blake was currently asleep on the couch because it was a rough night.

My stomach growled as I made my way to the kitchen and fixed two sub sandwiches- one for me and one for Blake.

I went over to the couch and lightly shook his shoulder, waking him up

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I went over to the couch and lightly shook his shoulder, waking him up. "You need to come eat something, Kid." He sat up as I hand him a plate with a sandwich on it.

Blake started eating his as I take a first bite out of mine as well just as my cell started to ring then. Some of the sandwich was hanging out of my mouth as I hurried and swallowed the bite, setting the sub back on the plate. "Hello?" I answer my phone.

"Des! Something's wrong. Adam is talking backwards, Bree is somewhere unknown, and Chase is blind. I need your help." Leo commented.

I sighed, looking over at my brother eat his sandwich in the living room. "Alright, I'll be over there in a minute." I murmur, hanging up and then slid my black converse sneakers over my socks.

Blake finished eating and looked over at me, asking, "Who was that?" 

"Leo. Come on, Kid. We gotta go over there." I answer, handing him his red sneakers. He put them on and then his red jacket.

I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and we walked out of the house, locking the door behind us, and went over to the Davenport-Dooley home.

"Alright, they have a secret lab and they're bionic, but you can't let anyone know." I tell him once we reach their driveway.

"I get it. They want it kept secret like our secret." Blake nodded.

"Exactly. And you can't tell them what happened to our parents and siblings. They can't know. If they ask, tell them they had to go help our uncle in Phoenix because he's not doing too good." I reply.

"I know, Des. We keep that truth secret." Blake murmured.

"At least for now, I mean." I also murmur.

Blake grabbed me hand in his small hand, stopping me, and quietly started, "How are we supposed to go on with our lives after our siblings and mom and dad died?"

I knelt to his height and moved my hands over his arms, looking him in his innocent eyes, reassuring, "Because that's what we do. We keep fighting, even if something bad happens. We have to stick together now more than ever. It's just you and me now, Kid, and I got you."

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