Bionic Rebellion: Pt.2

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"What are we gonna do? We have to save Mr. Davenport." Bree said while looking over at the screen that showed Davenport and Perry trapped inside of the hydraloop. Adam and I look at her and speak up in unison, "And Perry."

"Absolutely... Time permitting." Chase replied.

"You know what? I'll save you the trip. You can say goodbye to both of them from here." Sebastian replied while heading over to the main computer but stopped when I geo-leaped to Davenport and Perry. "No! I should've took out Des first!" Chase and his siblings glared at Sebastian after that threat towards their best friend. Sebastian simply smirked and shrugged.

Davenport began to tell them to not let Sebastian tell the other students but ended up telling them instead. I appeared beside them. "Big D, I'm here to rescue you two." I comment and grab their arms while geo-leaping the three of us back to the man-made island. I let their arms go and walk back over to the trio. "There goes your plan, Sebastian." I remark and folded my arms across my chest.

He glared at me and replied, "No matter. That way was going to be an easy way for him, but now, I'll just make it even more painful." Then he blasted Chase with an orange blastwave, sending him a few feet away on the floor. "Come on, Chase, you should've seen that coming. After all, you unlocked that ability for me."

"He what?" Bree, Adam, and I repeated while we knelt beside the now hurt boy. Adam looked from his brother to Sebastian and added, "Okay, do you want to hit him again, or is it my turn?"

I nod in agreement and slightly complained towards the hazel eyed boy, "Chase!" Sebastian told the other students to join his rebellion as they start to chant 'rebellion'. "Guys, Leo's still in there." I informed the trio.

"Not for long. Soldiers, if you're truly committed to this, then your first order... Take out Leo!" Sebastian told the students.

I stand up after helping Chase back up and making sure he was okay. "I'm going to go help Leo. You guys, take care of them." I geo-leap to Leo as the students approach us. 

"This makes it even easier. Soldiers, take out Leo and Des!" I hear Sebastian tell them from the screen on the wall. They were still chanting 'rebellion'. 

"Guys, come on. You don't want to do this. We're your friends." I try to make the group of bionic soldiers back on our side.

"Sebastian's right." Spin told us.

"No he isn't. Krane was a madman. He's my uncle and a total psychopath!" I state while Leo and I shoot laser spheres over their heads as they backed up. "Come on, Leo." I geo-leap us back to the trio, who were fighting Sebastian and the three others.

Leo went over to Dana who was ganging up on Chase, and both of them started to fight. Davenport and Perry was hiding behind a turned table, watching the fights. Chase was knocked down and was fixing to be stabbed by Sebastian's red laser bow. 

I shoot a percussion beam at Sebastian's back, making him fall to the floor on his stomach. I quickly move over to help Chase up and glance over at Sebastian who was still unconscious.

"Ha! Now, it's five against four!" Adam told the rebellious four, "Wait... one, two, three, four, five- Yeah, I'm right!" I pat Adam lightly on his shoulder as he grinned at me. 

Tank charged over at Adam as Adam threw him towards Leo who caught him in his bionic hand and threw Tank out of the window while Bree and Chase tripped Lexi; I had shot another percussion beam at Dana, knocking her out.

Sebastian stood back up and shot lightning out of his hands at us, which we dodge it as Chase asked him how he did that. "Remember how you unlocked me an ability? Well, after you gave me Davenport's password, I now have them all." Sebastian answered proudly.

"You got to be kidding me!" Adam and I reply while looking over at Chase in disbelief. I wasn't paying attention and was hit by one of Sebastian's powers as I fall to the floor, hurt now.

"Des! Are you okay?" The trio and Leo exclaimed.

I groan out, "Yup. I'm okay." Bree and Chase helped me stand back up since they were closest to me. I look over at Sebastian and shoot a fireball at him, making him crash into the wall behind him. 

He stood back up a little wobbly and used his heat vision as I dodge the laser quickly. "We have to get him to use his abilities all at once, so it'll fry his chip." I murmur over to the trio.

"That'll work." Chase agreed and nodded. Sebastian shot another beam at me as I dodge it and then used his powers on the others as they dodge his efforts as well. Then he started to glitch and stopped, confused on what was happening. "Your rebellion is over." Chase and I state in unison as Chase knocked Sebastian over, hugging me as we both quickly let go.


The four of them were now handcuffed and sitting on the floor in a circle when Davenport came back in the room, speaking up, "The authorities are on their way. You guys will be locked up for a long time."

"You really think handcuffs and prison bars will hold me?" Sebastian smugly stated and then attempted to break free.

"Nice try. While y'all were out, we took your chips-" Chase started as I cover his mouth with my hand and cut him off, "Stop telling him stuff." Bree nodded in agreement with me.

"Alright. Let's hit it, Sturdy, Creepy, Slim, and Butch." Perry told the four and looked over at Donald and me, "You know, it's nice being on this side of the cuffs for once." Davenport and I furrowed our eyebrows and shared a look.

After about two hours, we gathered the students up and explained the truth about Victor Krane and why Davenport hid this secret from them. 

"But, in general, it was all Chase's fault," I joked, smiling big and propping my arm on the said boy's shoulder.

"Des-" Chase started as I step off of the platform. 

"And goodnight everyone!" I cut him off while running out of the room. Chase ran after me as I laughed.


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