Bionic Showdown: Pt.2

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"What do you mean, you're our father?" Chase repeated, still in slight shock.

"Yeah, he's our father." Bree added.

Douglas stepped forward and replied, "No, that's what he's been telling you." He went over to his other desk and grabbed an invention and walked back over to the trio.

"I don't know who you are, but you're going down." Adam said, fixing to launch himself on Douglas just as said person teleported the trio inside of the cell with Donald and me with his invention.

"You mastered short range teleportation before I did? I've been working on that for years." Donald said.

"I know. I'm awesome." Douglas replied.

"I know. I'm awesome." I repeated mockingly as it came out sounding like Douglas himself. Everyone looked at me with slightly wide eyes.

"How'd you just do that, Des?" Bree asked, "That sounded like my ability of voice manipulation."

"Because I have that ability. Surprise? I'm bionic, too." I answer.

"You're still going down!" Adam told Douglas as he tried to break the cell but stopped himself first, "My super strength. It's gone."

Bree stepped forward. "So is my speed."

"I've got nothing." Chase added.

"That's because I designed these lasers to block the signals from your bionic chips. That's right. Daddy gave you toys, but he can also take them away." Douglas explained.

"Wait. How come Des can use her abilities?" Chase asked, still surprised that I'm bionic too.

"She won't for long." Douglas answered, going over to his computer and began to type. "Just need to make a few more adjustments- again."

"All I can do in this cell is use my voice manipulation ability." I point out to the trio and Donald. I try to super speed and use my super strength, but it doesn't work. "Marcus, let the prisoners go." I tell the android in Douglas's voice.

Marcus started to make his way over to the desk and was fixing to press the button that frees us until Douglas stopped him. "Don't listen to her, even if she is using a handsome voice that is mine." Douglas stated and then faced me after finishing typing, "Try to use your abilities now."

I smirk and fold my arms across my chest, letting out a sigh. "I've got nothing."

"Well, Marcus, we finally captured them. Actually, I captured them. Me, me, me, me, me." Douglas commented.

"You got one of those too, huh?" Chase murmured towards Marcus.

"You have no idea." Marcus replied.

"Come on. We got work to do." Douglas said with a snap of his fingers. He walked towards the door and left with Marcus in tow.

"Mr. Davenport, why did that guy say that he was our father?" Chase asked.

"Because, technically, he is your father. And my brother." Donald answered.

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