Adam Up

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Justin, Leo, and I was watching the trio train in their simulator as the training simulation ended with the computer beeping. "Great job, guys." Leo and I tell them.

"You just took out an entire unit of virtual cyborgs." Leo added impressed.

Eddy came onto the monitor and commented, "I think it's sad that you have to invent people to play with you."

"All right, Leo, Des, I'm off the clock. Let's get out of here." Adam stated.

I smirk over at my brother and mouthed, "Three, two, one-" and nodded over at Chase.

"Whoah, whoah, whoah. Just 'cause Mr. Davenport's away doesn't mean we stop training." Chase started as Leo and Adam groaned, "How do you think I feel? Des and I are missing our movie marathon day."

"But Leo, Des, and I were gonna play human bullseye bounce." Adam commented. "Don't worry, it's way more dangerous than it sounds."

"Human bullseye bounce. Is there any way you could get a good enough bounce to land in the emergency room? 'Cause that would save us a lot of time." Chase replied.

"Nope, he's right, Adam. As much as I enjoy watching you get hurt-" Bree said while laughing, "And I really do- We have to train."

"Oh, come on. The adults are away!" Leo replied, "If we don't take advantage by doing something destructive, we're no better than... Chase."

"I'm sorry, but unless he can be in two places at once, he's training. Come on, let's get the bo staffs." Chase said.

I purse my lips slightly in amusement and as I think. "Now, Leo and Adam's gonna find a way to actually be in two places at once. Then it will go horribly wrong." I murmur to Justin with a grin, "It'll be fun to watch."

"Yeah, that does sound like Leo." Justin remarked also amused as I nodded.

"Oh, man, I never get to do what I want. It's not fair." Adam complained.

"Aww. Are all of your cool bionic abilities and top-secret missions getting you down?" Bree asked sarcastically.

"Aw, thanks, Bree. I knew you'd understand." Adam answered. Chase and Bree walked over to Justin and me after retrieving the bo staffs.

"Hey, bet I'm better with that than you two together." I challenge Bree and Chase who both smirked over at me.

"Is that a challenge, Des?" Bree asked me.

I look over at Justin and winked, facing the two of them again. "Yeah, it is." I smiled playfully. "What do you think, Justin? You think I can beat them with no powers or bionics?"

"I think so, Des, but the question is: Will they accept this interesting challenge?" Justin answered playfully, also smiling.

"Oh, you're on." Bree accepted.

"Challenge accepted." Chase agreed.

"Who wants to go up against myself first?" I ask curiously but still held a playful grin on my face.

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