The Vanishing: Pt.1

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Adam, Leo, and I was watching Chase and Bree practice fighting in front of the students; We were in our mentor uniforms but without our jackets, except for Leo who was wearing the full outfit.

Bob came running into the training room, a little bit breathless, and looked at us, announcing,  "I'm here, I'm here!"

"Bob, you're late again." Chase pointed out.

"It's not my fault I overslept. It's Bree's and Des's." Bob replied.

"What!? How is it our fault?" Bree asked while gesturing to her and me.

"Because you two keep showin' up in my dreams." Bob answered.

"You're an odd little boy." I remark, my hands on my hips just as Douglas and Donald came in while squealing and excitedly talking to one another.

I move over to Donald and Douglas, placing my hands back on my hips. "Okay, I'll ask. What's got you two acting so girly?" The two of them looked at me, both raising an eyebrow my way. The trio stepped over to us as well, myself now standing between Chase and Adam.

"We just created an upgrade for bionics that will automatically master their bionics." Donald answered.

"Wait. Is this safe?" Chase voiced my question I was about to ask.

But me always being sarcastic, answered for them, "Since when is anything they created safe?" The trio and Leo laughed while Douglas and Donald looked at me in slight disbelief. "Hey, don't look at me like that. You know I'm right." I say the last part to the two men.

"Fine, but this upgrade is a great thing. It can't possibly backfire on us this time." Douglas replied.

"That's what you also said on several of your other inventions." I hummed, the usual sarcasm still evident in my tone.


We watch Douglas upgrade the students while the four of us waited for our turn; Leo was upset because he couldn't get an upgrade also.

Donald walked in as a girl demonstrated her fire ability, making him jump in the air.

"Wow. She really did master her power. She just made an old man jump." I sarcastically comment, high-fiving Bree and Adam. Donald glared over at me as I just shrug it off. "Way to go, Jenny." The girl smiled at me in thanks.

"Alright, that's the last of the students." Douglas announced finally.

"Ooh, let me do Des, Adam, Bree, and Chase." Donald replied, now standing at the computer. I sit down next to Leo on the step, letting the trio go first. "Alright, Adam."

Adam stepped forward and Donald pressed a few buttons on the tablet as a decline sound sounded. "That's weird. Bree." Bree stepped forward as he tried it on her but the same result as Adam happened.

"Chase." Chase stepped forward as Donald did the same and the decline sound played. "Uh, Des, let's see if it'll work on you."

I stand up from my seat, bored, and walk over to the man as he typed on the tablet; It accepted and I got the upgrade. "Whoa." I reply, a tingling sensation washing over me and then it stopped.

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