Bionic Birthday Fail

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"Sweetheart, let me in... Des, let me in." My mom said at my locked bedroom door. I was sitting in the small recliner in the corner of my room, a blue throw blanket slightly covering me. My hair was pulled up in a messy bun and my face was tear stained.

It had been three days. I had barely even moved from my spot; I unlock the door and open it with my telekinesis.

Mom offered me a sympathetic, sad smile and walked over to me, kneeling beside my chair and rested her hand on my arm reassuringly

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Mom offered me a sympathetic, sad smile and walked over to me, kneeling beside my chair and rested her hand on my arm reassuringly.

"Mom, heartbreaks sucks." I murmur, sniffling a little.

"Listen... you're gonna fall in love so many times before you find the one you'll be with forever. So, think of it this way- You're just one broken heart closer to happily ever after." She said, holding my hand in her hands.

"Will it still hurt?" I whisper.

"Yes, and I think it always will, at least a little, Baby." Mom replied. "You told me you didn't love him anymore. Is that you lying to yourself?"

"I don't, but I did. He had my heart in his hands. He was gentle while he cared, but when he stopped caring, he crushed it, and it won't ever be the same. He chose someone else, even though he had every piece of me... But I know time will heal- probably not completely- but to the point where it only hurts on the bad days." I comment.

"You see," Mom began, "Your first love isn't the first person you give your heart to- it's the first one who breaks it."

I nodded before saying, "No, no, you don't get it

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I nodded before saying, "No, no, you don't get it. Loving someone that doesn't love you back is one thing. Loving someone who you think loves you back, then finding out they never did is a completely different thing. It crushes you."

"You think everything is great, and you're so happy, then everything is ripped right out from underneath you. It hurts like heck, Mom." I comment, a tear sliding down my cheek.

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