First Day of Bionic Academy

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I was standing next to Donald as we waited for the trio to show up in the hydraloop. Within twenty seconds, they arrived as the doors swung open. Donald threw out his arms and gestured around the place. "Welcome to the Davenport Bionic Academy!" He announced as I look up from the tablet in my hands and over at the trio who looked around impressed.

"Ooh, cool!"

"Ooh, a window!"

"Wow, the hydraloop is amazing!" Chase stated while walking to my other side and now stood beside me. "We just went from the Mainland to the middle of the ocean in less than thirty seconds."

"Yup, and my lunch just went from my stomach to the floor in less than three." Leo commented while still hunched over.

"He gets queasy after riding rollercoasters- or anything that flips or rides really fast." I point out sarcastically as Leo approached us and looked at me. I smile innocently.

Donald walked over to Bree and Adam as we join him also. "So, what do you think?"

"Beautiful view, tons of space. I'm assuming we'll be living in the basement again." Bree answered.

Davenport scoffed and looked over at me, starting,"No-"

"Here, he calls it below sea level," I cut him off and then gesture to the hydraloop and add,  "By the way, the hydraloop will take you anywhere on the island at anytime."

Davenport pointed at a long, clear desk with stools at it and commented, "This is one of the main classroom areas, and here, the training area-" We walked into the next room as he finish, "-where we'll develop the kids' skills and teach them to become bionic heroes."

"You couldn't teach Chase to be one, what chance do they have?" Adam teased.

"Guys, this is serious. You have important roles as mentors." Donald said.

"Don't worry, Big D. We got this. Now, what exactly will I be teaching?" Leo commented.

I stifle back a laugh and pat my best friend's shoulder, simply telling him, "Nothing. You're a student."

Leo looked over at me and then back at his stepfather, gesturing from me to him. "A what? Is she serious?" Davenport nodded in confirmation. "But you gave me a mission suit. You said I was part of the team."

"Yeah, he says a lot of things. By the way, still waiting on that sweet 16 party." Bree said, the last part towards the billionaire inventor. I softly chuckle and walk away as Bree and Chase followed suit.


I was sitting at the table with Adam and S-3 as the bionic no-name looked up at the banner hanging up. "Hey, what's Orientation Day?" He asked Adam and I curiously.

"Oh, that's just a way of saying Mr. Davenport's gonna talk a lot." I remark as Adam nodded in agreement.

"I heard that." Donald said close to my ear and then spoke close to S-3's and Adam's ears, "And she's right." We nodded in agreement. He also noticed me not wearing my mentor uniform and pulled me away from the two other teens. "Des, why aren't you wearing your mentor outfit?"

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