You Posted What?!: Pt.1

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Chase and Adam used an old cyborg shark for a prank, but the robot's artificial intelligence goes haywire, trapping the gang in the house. Des had helped Leo deactivate them in the end.


I was sitting in the chair next to the hospital bed that my unconscious brother was laying in. He had a tube going down his throat to help him breathe.

"No, wait! Please!" Justin exclaimed just as the shooter pulled the trigger on their gun and shot him just below the heart.

Destiny heard the shot because she had literally just walked out of the bathroom door. She took off running down the stairs and saw her brother collapsed on the floor. The shooter had already left. "Justin!" She slid on her knees and pulled him carefully into her arms. "Come on, don't leave me. I need my annoying big brother. Justin? Justin!"

She dialed 911 and now waited for the paramedics to show up. "Just hang on."

I lean forward, my arms folded on the railing of the bed, and continue to watch my brother with sad eyes. "Please wake up, Justin. You're all that I have left. Don't leave me." I whisper, my voice thick with emotion. "I need you. Please come back to me. God, I don't... I can't do this without you, big brother."

"And more than anything... I don't wanna say goodbye to my family anymore." I murmur through tears now, "You- You always tell me that I was the one who- who gave our family hope. No, no, it's you. You always gave me hope when I was always feeling down. I always felt like good will always win- because of you... So, please don't leave me, Justin."

I look over at the television screen. "Breaking news- Existence of bionic humans confirmed. Viral video is legitimate." A news reporter on Channel Four stated. It showed the trio at the pipeline, using their bionics.

I glance over at my comatose brother and sighed in anguish, "I'll be back soon, okay, big brother?" I squeezed his hand in reassurance and let go, walking out of the hospital room.


I open the house door with the key around my neck and put it back on. Donald gave the key back to me and insisted I keep it. "I saw you guys on the news."

"Hey, are you okay? You look like you've been crying, D." Douglas said, noticing the slight redness underneath my eyes.

I let out a small sigh. "Yeah, my brother- He's in the hospital and not doing too good." It was just Douglas and Donald in the living room because everyone else went to gather their stuff.

"I'm sorry, Des." Donald replied, laying his hand on my shoulder reassuringly, squeezed it, and let go.

"Yeah... What can I do to help?" I comment, changing the subject.

Douglas picked up a box of belongings and nodded to another one. "You can help me with these." He carried one and started towards the lab as I picked up the second one and followed him. We pass Chase and Leo who was at a cyberdesk, typing something. "Guys, hurry up. See, this is why I should have raised you. Then you'd know how to abandon a building."

"Aha! Look!" Chase pointed to the screen, gesturing to his scan log.

"Chase is right. He did do a thermal scan at the mission site." Leo replied.

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