Crush, Chop, & Burn Pt. 2

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I sat on the couch with the four other teens in the Davenport-Dooley residence, an awkward, tense silence in the air while Donald paced through the room as he rethought over the events that had occurred at Mission Creek High.

"Do you realize what you've done?" Donald began.

"Made the rally better than last year?" I lightly suggest with a small chuckle which made Leo smile and nod about the fact that the one last year was extremely boring. Davenport glared at me again, making me close my mouth quickly.

"I had to write a check for that school for thirty grand to make this go away." Donald said.

"With thirty grand, I'll go away." Leo said as I nod in agreement.

"We're sorry. We just wanted to be normal for a day." Bree said.

"Oh, come on, Donald, they're just kids! When I was their age, I snuck out with my friends and-" Tasha stopped after her husband glared at her, "Right not helping."

"Look, I designed you guys to survive missions, not to try out for the cheerleading squad!" Donald said, nodding over at my uniform.

"Well, there goes that dream," Adam sadly replied while Davenport looked over at him weirdly.

"Believe me, I don't want to be a cheerleader, but I'm forced to," I grumbled with a slight sigh.

"Look, I know you're mad, Big D, but these guys performed the impossible today! They made me popular!" Leo said while standing up, grinning.

"It's true. Even I never dreamed of him ever becoming popular." I remark, patting my best friend on the back while standing up next to Leo. "He had game today!"

"I cured baldness with a biology rat!" Chase exclaimed happily.

"And I got invited to my first party!" Bree said also happily, turning to Tasha, "By a boy!" Tasha then started rambling on about shopping for her party but was shot down by Donald again.

"That's it! Leo, you are banned from the lab." Donald told them, "And you three can have no contact with the outside world! No texting, no talking, no nothing, and that includes no Destiny since she's part of the outside world."

We stared at him in total and utter shock, not believing his words for a single moment. That wasn't fair at all.

"No Destiny?" The trio, Tasha, and Leo repeated as they looked from me to Donald.

I step forwards with a look of dismay before saying, "No Destiny? Was I- I just banned? Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am." Donald nodded before repeating once more, "No Destiny!"

Everyone, except Donald and me, stepped away from the two of us in surprise; I briefly glance down at the floor and quickly hide the hurt before looking back up at him with narrowed eyes and took a step closer to Donald as I watched him gulp.

"Piece of advice for you, Big D..." I start, convincing him that I want hurt by his decision of banning me, "Like it or not, those bionic creations are still your kids...  They're human and they deserve to be out of their display cases every once in awhile... How are they supposed to learn to be heroes when they don't even know anything about the world? So, stop acting like a scientist for once- and start being a dad to them."

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