Commando App

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I was sitting with the cheerleaders when I noticed Leo and his new step siblings walk inside the cafeteria.

"Hey you! No tongue rings in school! Don't try to hide it- I will take a metal detector to your face!" I heard Perry say to a kid as he tried to run away, but the said principal ran after him.

Yeah, she has a temperament of a really bad junkyard dog stuffed in a pantsuit.

I caught Bree dropping her books just as our history teacher slipped on them and fell to the floor. He quickly stood back up and looked at her, walking away.

"Okay, we can't sit at the cool table-" Leo said while gesturing to the table where I sat with the cheerleaders. "But we can sit adjacent from the cool table." He gestured to the table beside my table.

"But how come Des is at the cool table?" Chase asked.

"She's popular- That's why when the football players gives me wedgies- There's a slight gentleness to them." Leo answered.

Adam sat in the empty chair beside me at the cool table and began making us laugh while holding oranges to his eyes; Leo and the other bionic siblings came over to us then. "Oh, hey guys! These girls just told me when the football players get here, I'm getting a free pudding cup!" Adam said happily.

I whispered in his ear on what the girls meant by that as he raised his eyebrows at that fact. I nodded. Leo tried to get Chase and Adam to move away but they wouldn't.

Trent and the other football players suddenly walked over to the table with Trent now standing behind Leo and sniffed him. "Sorry." Leo murmured, walking away from him a few feet.

"Hey. That's my seat." Trent told Chase, "Get lost before I use you like a napkin."

"Chase, we should probably go." Bree said before turning to Trent, "He's not very absorbent."

"Oh, look, a spill!" The quarterback said after spilling a drink on the table and then grabbed Chase's collar, "I think I'm gonna wipe it up with your face."

I quickly stood up and walked over to Trent. "Let him go, Trent. He's new. He didn't know-"

Chase grabbed Trent and held his head close to the table, saying, "Think again, Bubbleneck. I'm gonna rip out your kneecaps and use them as hockey pucks." He told him in a deep voice.

So this would be Chase's Commando App named Spike. I have one similar but called Zelda; She's fierce, aggressive, yet completely different than Spike. She's very intelligent and not some mindless person- Zelda's intense too.

Adam ran over to Bree, Leo, and myself before commenting, "Okay, I don't mean to alarm anyone, but I think Spike's back."

Spike threw Trent over to the other football players, Trent starting, "You have no idea who you're messing with. Okay? Pudding cups!" Two guys handed a cup of pudding in each of Trent's hands.

"Ooh, I'll take those." Spike replied, snatching them from the quarterback.

"Hey!" He protested. Spike squeezed each pudding cups as chocolate pudding covered the football players but mostly Trent. "Ooh! You're dead!" Spike roared as they stepped back. "You, okay, okay. You're lucky that we have to go to the reading center right now." They ran out of the cafeteria.

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