The Vanishing: Pt.2

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"Step away from Destiny." Giselle stated as everyone still stood defensively, their weapons aimed at Marcus and the woman still.

I look up at the pillar on the roof and begin to make it tremble as Marcus looked up just as it had crashed down and fell on top of him.

"You are really getting on my last nerve." Giselle said to me as I smirked and sarcastically remarked at her, "I'm sorry, was I meant to be offended? The only thing offending me is your face."

Marcus lifted the pillar off of him and morphed back into his human form instead of his bare exoskeleton.

The android blasted the four teens away from the three men and myself, knocking them out. "No!" The three men and I exclaimed, glaring at Marcus and Giselle.

Marcus then made Douglas's and Donald's guns and my father's swords out of their hands with his molecularkinesis and knocked them out as well.

He tied the three back to back in chairs, forming a triangle. David was across from me. Marcus then dragged the four still unconscious teens to the room where the students were locked up in.

"Dad! Big D, Dougie! Come on, wake up." I comment, moving my head to the side to look over at them in concern and glance back at the woman and glared. "You won't get away with this, Giselle."

"Looks like I've already did." She simply answered. She spoke to the trio and Leo over the monitor about not being bionic anymore soon.

The woman then walked over to my father and my two father figures who had basically just woke back up. She talked about her plan, revenge and such.

"Plus, you get to watch us destroy your precious Destiny, your first beloved creation and your daughter." Giselle finished with a smirk.

The three men struggled even more in their restraints in the chairs; I have to calm myself down so that I can think clearly, but it's kind of hard when you have extremely loud buzzing in your head.

"Do whatever you want to me- Just leave my family alone." I mutter as Giselle approached me, hand on the dial of the control panel.

"You don't care about yourself- not like you do your little family. Oh, yes, I know all about you, Destiny. Your father is the only real family you have left, especially since you became an orphan when the Moore family died." Giselle stated.

"Shut up." I murmur, the room beginning to shake and tremble.

I was trying to calm my heart rate down as Giselle turned on her heels and instead walked in front of my father with me struggling in my restraints while letting out, "No. Leave him alone."

Giselle revealed a knife as I continue to struggle in the restraints; David also struggled in his restraints, trying to get free. She plunged the knife in his chest deeply and withdrew the blade, tossing it aside. "No!" The tremors grew more violent as the restraints on me snapped and broke into shreds.

I jump down from the table and sent Marcus and Giselle crashing onto the other side of the room. I run over to my father, kneeling in front of him. "D-Dad? Daddy? Dad!?"

"Des, how is he? Is he-?" Donald began, trying to look over at my father and myself.

"No, no, no. Please don't leave me. Dad, wake up, come on. Open your eyes, please." I barely speak above a whisper, tears pricking at my eyes, threatening to fall. He had no more pulse, no more heartbeats.

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