Back from the Future

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"Focus, Des

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"Focus, Des. If you were in this situation, then you'd be dead already. Now, clear your head and focus." Dad stated while I was leaning over with my hands on my knees, catching my breath.

"We've been training for five hours. Why are you cracking down on training all of a sudden?" I said breathless.

"You never know when your enemy find you. You need to be prepared at all times and you need to be a better fighter." He replied, "Now, again."

I groan tiredly and straightened up, standing in a defensive stance. He swung a punch my way as I blocked it, faked a kick, and punched him in the gut instead.

I missed the Death Spiral Smackdown at school and Leo 'driving' Davenport's high-speed helicopter because of training. That's all my parents do nowadays. And they seem a little more paranoid- especially when they're around me for some unknown reason.

"Focus, Destiny." He said just as a punch landed on my shoulder hard. I step back and groan loudly. "You're holding back. Don't hold back on your opponent."

I sit down on the stool and look at him. "What's going on, Dad? You don't think I know the paranoia you and Mom have when around me? Because I've noticed that." I outstretched my hand and make water bottle fly towards me from the cooler on the other side of the room with my telekinesis.

I remove the cap and drink some water. "Nothing's wrong, Tremors. Everything is okay. You just need to work on your training." He assured, drinking some of his water also. "Now, get up. Let's go again."

I groan again and stand up, starting, "Can we finish this later? We've been at it for five hours. Can't we take a break? Training is all we ever do anymore."

"Fine. Be back here in at least seven or eight hours." Dad commented.

I hug him and run upstairs, taking a quick shower and changing out of my training gear. I change into a pair of white joggers that had black on the sides, a yellow shirt, and black high tops. I put on my white jacket and fix my long, dark brown curls.

After applying mascara, eyeliner, and strawberry lip gloss, I jog out of the house and went over to the Davenport-Dooley household. I enter the large home and make my way to the lab.

"I don't know, Big D. I think these guys are gonna need some... backup!" Leo said, singing the last part happily.

"Yeah, and that's why you'll be backup here in the lab with me." Donald replied, mockingly singing backup like Leo had done.

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