Face Off

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During a strange lunar eclipse, the team discovers that Principal Perry had been replaced by a dangerous alien lookalike. Generally, it was just us helping Leo with a movie for that film contest, but it was fun to do.


I was helping Donald get ready for his business meeting; He was dressed in a suit. "Well, how do I look?" He asked, fixing his collar on his shirt.

"Like an important successful man. You look sharp, Big D." I answer as he nodded and replied a thanks when Leo and Douglas walked into the room.

"Wow. Looking sharp, Big D." Leo spoke up, "People will almost take you seriously in that suit."

"Well, we gotta go. We're having a big board meeting to discuss the future of Davenport Industries, and we want to get there early so we can lower everyone else's chairs." Donald replied.

"Fill us in. What are your plans for the future?" Douglas asked.

"Major changes, but you boys have to wait and find out like everybody else." I answer, walking over to the door as did Donald.

"Wait, Des, you're going to? How come she gets to go?" Leo asked me and then Davenport.

"Because she actually knows her science- and a genius." Douglas and Donald answered in unison.

"Hey, would you look at that? I got them to agree on something and finish their sentences at the same time." I point out with a big grin.

"We'll see you guys later. Come on, Des." Davenport commented, exiting the house and left to go to the meeting.


Davenport, Leo, and I were in the lab working when Douglas came in with a big cup of hot cocoa. "There you are. I brought you a hot cup of cocoa, and look, I used the little marshmallows to form a 'D' for Donnie. Man, have I changed." He said to Davenport, handing him the mug.

"What are you doing?" Leo asked.

"Just showing a little appreciation for my big brother." Douglas answered as Leo pulled him aside.

"Hmm." I said, "They're up to something."

Davenport took a sip of his drink and looked at me. "Mm, this is delicious." Donald replied.

I used my bionic hearing to hear their conversation. "You don't stop and he'll find out that we snooped. Now get out of here before you blow this whole thing." Leo told Douglas.

"Fine." Douglas replied walking away. Leo walked over to Donald and me, patting him on the back.

"Now where were we... Dad?" Leo asked him.

"Oh, no you don't. He was my brother before he was your stepdad." Douglas answered, walking back over to us.

"Daddy, evil uncle is scaring me." Leo said, scooting closer to Donald who stepped back.

"What're you two up to?" I ask them, folding my arms across my chest.

"Now spill." Davenport told them.

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