No Going Back

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I was walking down the stairs at school with Bree, Adam, and Chase who held my hand like always; Leo had to go home early because he had a head cold. Principal Perry was searching everyone as the lunch ladies used metal detectors on people. "Uh, Principal Perry? What's going on?" Bree asked her.

"Somebody's been stealing the school's laptops, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it." Perry answered, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take this change and have a heart to heart with the vending machine over there."

"Guys, those metal detectors will detect our chips and expose our bionics." Bree murmured.

"Don't worry about it. This isn't the first time Perry's done something like this and I know how to get through it. Leave it to me." I assured her while Chase wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close as we still held hands.

"We're going to get busted." Chase said.

"Busted for what? Huh? What're you hiding, Little Bo Peep?" Perry questioned to Chase while rushing over to our side.

"The metal detectors will detect their tracking chips in their necks. Davenport had them installed to make sure they didn't get lost. He's very protective over them." I reply, convincingly coming up with a great lie easily.

"Right. That's it." The trio agreed.

"Chase just didn't want anyone to find out because he thinks that it's a little embarrassing to have an overprotective father." I continue, "So he said we'd get 'busted'. Funny, huh?"

"You have an answer to everything, don't you, Moore?" Perry asked me. I shrug as she grunted in anger and glared at me. "You, scram, get out of here. And you three, you stay put." Perry said.

"I can't leave without them. Davenport said to always have a buddy system when walking home." I lie again.

"Grrrr." Perry growled at me, approaching me as I stepped back, "Go or I'll make sure to hold you back three grade levels for three years straight and give you detention until you graduate."

"Sorry, guys, but I gotta go." I say, rushing over to the door but stopped and looked at the trio.

"Thanks anyways, Des." Chase murmured.

"Wish us luck, okay?" Bree whispered as Adam nodded at her statement. They are going to need luck if they're going to deal with Perry alone.

"You're gonna need more than luck." I mutter, leaving out of the school and walked to the Dooley-Davenport residence.


I found Donald and Leo down in the lab. Davenport had a really worried look on his face. "Hey, what's going on?" I ask, going over to where Leo was typing on his computer.

"Someone's hacking everything of Big D's stuff, like credit cards and top-secret facilities. Everything of Davenport Industries is gone." Leo explained.

"What?" I let out in shock and quickly went over to the cyberdesk where Donald was at and started to help him recover some of the missing data.


"Hey, Big D, what happened to your friend at the FBI?" Leo asked as he walked downstairs.

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