Bionic Houseparty

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Tasha, Donald, and Douglas was in my hospital room, waiting for me to wake up from my coma. I was standing in the corner watching them and my unconscious physical form which was laying in the bed. It was one of those out of body experiences you read about or see in those movies.

Tasha excused herself and went to fix the two grown men cups of coffee from the machine outside. "Big D, tell me what I'm supposed to do. Tell me how to wake up from this."

"How could you guys-?" Donald started at his brother but trailed off. "She would be awake if..."

"Donnie, you know she would never willingly let any one of us die or hurt us. That's what she does. She saves people. She's a hero. So stop blaming yourself. Des would tell you the same thing- and give a witty, sarcastic comment." Douglas replied.

I look back and forth at the two men. Donald looked down at the unconscious brunette, me, on the bed and let out a sad sigh. "One more thing, one more miracle. Don't be dead. We need you, Des." He murmured.

"With everyone gone, it might be too hard for you to keep fighting. But I want you to fight to stay with us, D." Douglas also murmured.

"What am I supposed to do?"

Leo walked into the room with a couple of flowers and a 'Get Well' balloon. "You and Mom said that she was better. She doesn't look any better and looks the same." Leo commented, seeing his best friend in a hospital bed and in a coma.

"We didn't want to worry you guys." Tasha replied, her hand reassuring on her son's shoulder.

Leo stepped over to the bed and stopped by Destiny's side, reaching out and holding her hand while give a comforting, reassuring squeeze. "You still have family, Des. We can't lose you. You taught me to have faith, that hope was a choice. Please stay." He whispered to the girl.

"I have to wake up. I want to go home! I want to stay! Please, someone tell me what to do." I cry out, "I want it to be over!" Then a white light blinded me as I open my eyes and look around the room.

I was laying in a hospital bed and Leo, Donald, and Tasha was in the room still. "Leo... I- I'm not going anywhere... You guys are my home, my family... You need me as much as I need you." The four of them hugged me tightly then as I laugh happily, tears in my eyes.

"Don't ever scare us like that again, Des." Donald said as Douglas added in relief, "Thanks for not dying, Kid."

"I always find a way back to my family... even in a bardo state." I reply in amusement but with an innocent, cheeky smile.


We walk onto the porch and hear loud music after Leo sat down on the bench. He was an old man because, apparently, he transferred some of his energy to me to wake me up.

Tasha opened the door to reveal all of the bionic soldiers and the trio in the living room, having a party. "Hey!" Everyone stopped partying then and looked at all of us.

"Hey Tasha!" Adam happily replied as the bionic soldiers repeated him.

"Des! You're not dead! Yay!" Bree commented over to me, happy that I was alive.

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