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Smack. I continuously punch the punching bag just as I hear the doorbell ring, stopping and turning my head to listen to the person who had just arrived at our house.

"Hey, Mrs. Moore, is Des here? I'm Chase Davenport, one of her friends." Chase said at the door upstairs to my mom. I feel my mouth drop slightly as I listen to him.

"Des is sick. She won't be able to go to school today." My mom lied. The truth is, I couldn't go today because it's training day. We have designated days for our training each week.

"Um, I-I was just..." Chase trailed off. I could practically hear him blushing. I smile a little and head upstairs and over to where the two of them was at.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi." He replied with a smile. I grab my tan leather jacket and put it on over my tank top while heading over to the door, gesturing for him to step outside of the house with me. I close the door behind us and we walk a little away from my house and face each other. "You don't look sick."

"Oh, yeah, I'm not. It's just one of those days where my brother and I tells the school that we're sick and can't come. And, we just spend the day with our family." I cover up with a small smile.

We fall silent momentarily, both looking away. He bit his bottom lip softly, still half-smiling. "Why'd you come here anyway?" I ask lightly.

"I need to admit something... I-I like you a lot, Des." Chase answered, trying to find the right words for what he was trying to say. I smile just as he leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. I kiss him back, both of our eyes closed.

"I like you a lot, too." I whisper softly, his forehead resting lightly against mine as we held hands and gazed into each other's eyes. He grinned even bigger as did I.


I walk inside of the lab when I see Davenport pounding on the trio's capsules. "Wake up! I want a complete debriefing of what went wrong last night without any giggling when I use the word 'debriefing'!" He looked over at Leo and I who were silently laughing.

Leo had called my phone and woke me up, telling me I needed to come over and hear their 'debriefing' of their failed mission.

Adam and Chase stumbled out of their capsules and made their way over to us. Chase stood beside me and smiled lightly at me, entwining our fingers. "Wait. You guys for real failed a mission? I thought Leo was kidding. What happened?" I ask a bit perplexed.

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