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I walk into the lab with a grilled cheese sandwich in hand. The trio and Leo was around the cyberdesk as Davenport held up an interesting-looking gun. "Okay, guys, say hello to my latest invention-" Donald started.

"The Cryo-Blaster." I finish, stealing his thunder and taking a bite of my sandwich. I grin as the four other teens grinned at me.

Davenport looked over at me and back at the trio. "Yeah, what she said. This thing can freeze anything in a nanosecond."

"Bravo, Big D. You invented ice." Leo replied sarcastically, slowly clapping.

"No, I invented a way for astronauts to travel to distant galaxies while frozen in suspended animation." Donald commented.

"Which is a fancier way of saying 'ice'." I point out as the trio and Leo nodded. I move over to the desk.

Davenport took Adam's cup and set it on the table. "All right, here, let me demonstrate. Mmhmm. You guys might want to step back because the ray from the Cryo-Blaster freezes everything it touches." He shot at the cup after we all stepped back. The cup was now a big block of ice.

"Can someone please tell this dude he's making ice?" Leo asked.

"Look, every space program is gonna want one of these. I just need the element to fuel them: Cytanium." Donald answered.

I move towards the block of ice and move my hand across it, unfreezing it completely. "Here you go, Adam." I hand the cold cup of drink to him as he smiled.

"Thanks, Des." Adam replied, drinking some of his drink now.

Donald pulled up a holographic screen of Antartica and continued, "And it's only found here. I'm sending you on a mission to the most remote part of Antartica."

"As opposed to bustling downtown Antartica?" Bree asked.

"No worries, Mr. Davenport. We've been to way worse places than Antartica." Chase answered.

"Oh, yeah. Remember Bakersfield?" Adam commented.

We all groaned. "Oh, yeah."

"Look, with your bionics, you should be able to swoop in and-" Donald started just as a small alarm sounded from the holographic screen. "Oh, no. There's a massive storm headed there."

"So, who cares? We just dealt with a storm." Chase shrugged.

"This is a Category Five. It's much more dangerous." I comment.

"I can't believe this. I'm gonna have to call off the mission." Donald replied.

"Wha- No! There's plenty of time before the center of the storm hits." Chase said.

"It's just not worth the risk." Davenport replied.

"I just hope the storm doesn't collapse the glacier." I add.

"But if that happens, you'll lose the Cytanium forever." Chase replied towards his dad.

"I know." Donald said while walking away.

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