Brother Battle

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I run inside of the Moore house and exclaim, "Justin? Justin! Are you here?!" My big brother stepped off of the last step and entered the living room, relief and worry flooding his facial expression

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I run inside of the Moore house and exclaim, "Justin? Justin! Are you here?!" My big brother stepped off of the last step and entered the living room, relief and worry flooding his facial expression. I quickly run over to him and hug him tightly as he wrapped his arms around me.

Justin looked at me and then hugged me again. "I thought something had happened to you... I'm glad nothing did. Where'd you go, Des?" I start to cry softly as his hold on me tightened. "It's okay. I'm here. Your big brother's got you, Des. I won't let anything hurt you. You're safe."

"I found my birth family. They live in another realm. I need to get back there, Justin. Will you help me? They're my home and I finally felt like I belonged somewhere." I softly comment, looking up at him.

"Des-" Justin started.

"Justin, please, I need to go back... I want to go back." I cut him pleadingly. "How am I supposed to stay here without Mom and Dad and the twins? We're just orphans... It's just too much being here now."

"Okay." Justin murmured quietly.

I look at my brother again and furrowed my eyebrows. "Why? You're not gonna tell me to stay and don't go back to that place?"

"Sacrifice- That's what we do for the people we love. You're my sister and if you want to do this, I'm with you. I want you to be happy, Des. For you, I want you to have a home and family and be happy." Justin started.

"I want that more than anything in this world. I mean, sure, I want you to fight like heck to stay with me, with your friends, in this world. But, I know it might not be what you want- to stay with us- It might be too hard for you to keep fighting... If you want to go, I want you to know it's okay." He continued.

"Thank you." I whisper, hugging him again, "You're the best big brother I could ever ask for. Thank you."

"But... You have to realize what you'll be leaving behind also, Des. You have a family and a home here. We're always going to be there for you no matter what. You fixed every one of us in a way. You always give us hope and you always find a way to accomplish anything and you know exactly how to make anyone smile or laugh." Justin began.


"Listen to me because you need to right now, okay? You can't just stop fighting. You're supposed to always keep fighting... So, you think you're just gonna give up and take the easy way out of this world and go to another one?" Justin cut me off.

"There is no easy way! Don't you get that? No matter what choice I make in this situation, I'm gonna be hurting someone and I'll be leaving part of me behind. Okay? What am I supposed to do, Justin? Huh? What am I supposed to do?! I have done everything everyone has asked of me and when I... when I don't and try to make my own choice- I'm disappointing everyone that I care about." I comment through tears and sat down in the recliner. "What am I supposed to do?"

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