Lab Rat D: Pt.2

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I sit up quickly in an infirmary bed and look around, my head was pounding badly and I still felt completely drained. My dad was sitting in the chair beside the bed, his hands holding my right hand.

"Des-" David immediately began in concern.

"I- I'm okay." I cut him off, my voice hoarse, while getting out of bed but staggering forward as he caught me in his arms.

I use him as a support and both of us walked out of the infirmary and into the main room. "Des!" Everyone started in unison in relief that I was awake now.

I weakly smile, the loud buzzing inside of my head getting louder, which was giving me a headache.

"How are you feeling, Des?" Bree asked in concern.

"I- I don't want to lie to you guys anymore. You're my family... I'm tired and- and can barely even stand on my own." I admit quietly, "I mean, you guys heard what Zelda had said- I heard her, too..."

"That won't happen, Des. We won't let you die. I won't let you." Leo spoke up confidently.

"But I-" I begin.

"Leo's right. You're not gonna die. You have family who cares about you too much to let that happen anytime soon." Bree added.

"What was that machine even for anyway?" Donald spoke up out of curiosity.

"To take me home." I admit.

"And you helped her build that kind of technology? You should've known the risks." Donald commented towards his brother.

"Hey, I helped her because she asked me to- And not you." Douglas defended himself.

The whole group then started to argue massively as I watch anxiously, my heart rate speeding up; The whole island began to tremble then.

I step back, my hands shaky as I brought them to my mouth lightly; The loud buzzing inside of my head intensified then.

I squeeze my eyes shut and move my hands to the sides of my head. "STOP!" The light beside me had been flickering, but when I had yelled, it exploded in sparks.

"Sorry, Des." They all murmured. I couldn't stop the tremors as I just end up walking out of the room, my hand against the wall for support.

I finally manage to slow the tremors and stop them completely. Leo ran up to me from behind and faced me fully, me sighing, "I'm- I'm okay now, Leo."

"No, you're not. I know you." Leo replied, glancing down at the floor and back at me, "I have to let you know this, okay? If you do die and I live, then I won't have my bestest friend, I'd have nothing. Sure, I have family but not my first sister."


"Let me finish. Please. You have to live, Des. You save our butts literally every day. You are the one who can end any argument between any of us. You can't die, Des, you just can't." Leo continued.

I watch him carefully, my brown eyes starting to water as I listen to him finish, "Please don't go. Okay? I need you. No one has stuck with me for so long- I mean, other than my mom and other family- but still... You're my best friend and when I look at you- I'm home. I don't want that to go away. So, please don't die, Des." 

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