Sink or Swim: Pt.2

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"So this is where we'll be hiding from my brother. What do you think?" Douglas disguised as Donald said, as Adam, Bree, Chase, and I walk in behind him.

"I think we should update our tetanus shots." I remark.

"Hey, where's Leo? You said he'd be here." Chase said while looking around the room.

"Yeah, I kinda lied about that." He replied. He pressed two fingers right below his ear, revealing his true face. I look at him, my arms folded across my chest. "Guess who?" He chuckled, now Douglas.

"Whoa, awesome mask, Mr. Davenport. He really looks just like his evil brother who had captured us." Adam said.

"That is his evil brother." Bree replied.

"And he did capture us." Chase added.

"We'll destroy this rat trap just like we did your last one." Bree stated.

"Yeah, thanks for that. I didn't even have time to backup my music. Twenty years of up-tempo jazz, gone!" Douglas replied irritated and then looked over to his side and back at us, "Oh, and I've got a little bit of another surprise for you guys. Des is about to join my side."

"What?" They asked, already in their defensive stances.

"Oh, Des." Douglas answered, glancing over at me. "Remember Zelda? She always was on my side. How about we let her out to play?"

"Des, what's he talking about? Who's Zelda?" Chase asked me as I unfold my arms and look over at the trio.

"She's my commando app-" I start quietly.

"And ten times more... intense than Spike, your commando app, Chase." Douglas cut me off.

"She's not coming out. It's under control, like always." I comment, relaxing the trio.

"Unless I can get passed your block on your chip, then I'll have access to it." Douglas pointed out to me.

"Unless I was the one who put the block on my chip to prevent you from doing so. I did and always were the better programmer than you, Dougie." I state as he let out a little sigh.

"Get him!" Bree stated to her siblings and me.

We start to but stop just as Douglas called for his surprise, "Now!" A man in a white mask stepped out of the shadows also. 

The mysterious man blasted the trio with his power, knocking them out on the floor. He looked over at me and clenched his fist halfway as pain overwhelmed me. I hunch over in agony as the pain intensified. "Now, you're on our side and will do everything I tell you." He stated towards me.

My hands were on my knees and still hunched over, breathless. "And if I don't?" I ask through clenched teeth. He squeezed his hand into a fist as pain tripled inside me. "Fine, just st-stop."

Douglas smiled in satisfaction and replied, "Welcome to our side, D."

After fifteen minutes had passed, Douglas spoke up to the trio, "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bac-y. Actually, it's just an expression. All we have to eat around here are nuts, berries, and the occasional barbecued iguana." He made a disgusted look at that last part as did I.

"Taunting us with nonexistent breakfast foods? You really are evil!" Adam stated, standing up on his feet.

"Wait, who was that dude?" Chase asked.

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