Twas the Mission before Christmas

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I look over at what Adam was doing at the kitchen counter. He was wearing a Santa hat as Tasha told Donald about our holiday card that she just mailed out. "Who wants some Christmas cookies?" Adam asked as he showed off his holiday cookies on a cookie sheet pan. They weren't even baked though.

"Adam, those aren't even cooked." Leo and I comment in unison, looking at one another.

"Oh, no problem." Adam replied, using his heat vision on the cookies and stopping to show fire on them, burning them completely. "Careful, they may be hot." He started to blow the fire out.

I shook my head in amusement just as Bree walked in the house. "Okay. Who covered the entire house in blinking lights? People already thinks we're weird. We don't need a light to shine on that." Bree asked.

"Oh, Adam and I did." I answer, fixing my Santa hat on my head, "Awesome, huh?"

"Plus, I want to make sure Santa comes to our house first." Adam added.

"Adam, Des. We all love Christmas, but I think you two are going a little overboard." Bree commented.

"I don't see it." I say just as a loud noise came from outside. Chase hopped inside, tangled up in Christmas lights and a wreath as we laughed at him.

"That, however, is spot on." Bree replied, pointing at Chase.

Adam walked a little in front of us and looked at Chase. "Hey, get back on the roof. You're ruining our display!" He told him.

"You're lucky a raccoon chewed me free!" Chase told us just as our mission alarm went off.

"That's an urgent mission alert. We have to get to the lab." Davenport told us as we ran down to the lab while Chase stumbled to the floor, still tied up.

"A little help!" Chase yelled after us. I stop and run back to him, helping untying the lights off of him. "Thanks, Des."

I smile, "I'm always here for you, well, and here to pick on you." He grinned and held my hand while we run downstairs to the lab.


"The alert came from Facility X in the frozen tundra-" Davenport started as Leo cut him off.

"Hey, hey. I'm the mission specialist here." Leo interrupted, "I'll handle this." I begin typing on the computer to pull up the video feed as Leo repeated what Davenport said.

"Dr. Evans, can you hear me?" Davenport asked a man when he appeared on the screen.

"Yeah, but there's been activity of volcanic eruptions-" Evans started and then the screen cut off after the aftershocks hit where he was.

"Well, merry Christmas to you too, Dr. Evans." Adam said sarcastically to him after he was gone.

"Sorry, guys. I know it's not ideal, but-" Davenport replied.

"We understand, Davenport." Chase started.

"I'll get the eggnog. Whoohoo!" Adam stated, rushing off as I grab his arm and pull him back in the room and explain the mission to him.


Adam, Bree, and Chase stepped out of their capsules in their mission suits as Leo, Davenport, and I watch. "Des, want to be the one to share your news?" Davenport asked me, making the four other teens look at the two of us in confusion.

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