Mission: Space

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"Hey, guys, check it out

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"Hey, guys, check it out. If you put cereal on hot dogs, it counts as breakfast." I comment while walking inside of the lab. I wipe the mustard and Cheerios off of my cheek and swallow the bite of the breakfast hot dog.

Leo was eating a sub sandwich as he walked beside me inside of the lab. "And, Chase, this is amazing. You can move things with your mind. You're like a really cool magician. You know, if there was such a thing as a really cool magician."

"It doesn't make any sense. It was probably just a fluke. I mean it's not like everything around me is gonna suddenly start flying through the air." Chase replied, making mine and Leo's food and other things fly through the air and to the other side of the room. "Uh oh."

"Aw. You owe me another hot dog." I tell him, folding my arms across my chest.

"I'm gonna go tell Mr. Davenport about this." Bree stated.

"What? No, you can't. If this is a glitch and Mr. Davenport find out about it, he won't let me go to school anymore!" Chase told us. "Let's see if he has something about this in his file!"

I was already standing beside the cyberdesk and pull up Donald's holographic files, quickly skipping over a locked file named Lab Rat D. I stop at the correct file and open it.

"This isn't a glitch! I can move objects by manipulating the energy around them. I've unlocked a hidden bionic ability called molecularkinesis." Chase read aloud, our arms touching as all of us looked at the file.

"Chase, I'm gonna need you to also unlock your ability to use smaller words." Adam told him with a little bit of sarcasm.

"According to this, we all have hidden abilities!" Chase continued to read over my shoulder.

"What?" "What are they?" Bree and Adam asked Chase and me.

"I don't know. Let me see." Chase started, now flipping through files and once again I see my file as I stiffen without anyone noticing. He was shut out because of a security lock as I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"Mr.Davenport probably put a security lock on it. I guess you'll just have to discover them on your own." I tell them, my hand on Chase's arm and then let go.

"Fine." Bree groaned.

"Maybe my new ability is that I can speak Russian! Testing... Testing..." Adam wondered aloud and moved a little bit to see if there was any change. "Is this Russian?"

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