Speed Trapped

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I walked inside of the Dooley-Davenport home and headed towards the stairs and walked to the lab. "And no flavors, no froyos, no hanging with the bros, peeps, and homies." Davenport told the trio.

"Whoa. That's something I didn't expect to hear when I first walk into the lab." I comment, walking over to them.

"Did you guys already forget that your little buddy Marcus found the lab yesterday?" Donald asked everyone, "He could've found out about our bionic secret." I stiffen slightly when he said our bionic secret.

"So, it's their fault that your million-dollar smart home system didn't stop him?" I sarcastically remark.

"Don't go there, Princess! I was getting my beauty sleep- Something you might want to look into."

I roll my eyes and flip my hair over my shoulder. "You always sleep, Eddy, and when you don't, you're annoying everyone. Speaking of, when do you even do anything security-wise?" I remark back at the pixelated cartoon.

"Okay, okay. Geez, calm down." Eddy told me as I glared at him. He shut off quickly then. I smiled in satisfaction.

"Look, it doesn't matter whose fault it was, even though someone was supposed to be watching him." Donald said, looking over at Leo.

"Unfortunately, someone took me away, letting Marcus roam around." Leo replied, looking over at his stepdad as well.

"Guys, I think you're talking about each other." Adam commented as I laugh shortly.

"Bottom line, I am keeping a tighter leash on you three. And as for you two, since I can't always be there, you have to step it up and do a better job watching them." Davenport told the trio and then Leo and I.

"No problem, Big D. We may have let one goon get too close, like someone  going on a date with him, but I won't let any more Marcus-es slip through the cracks. From now on, call me the Enforcer." Leo replied.

I fold my arms across my chest and remarked, "Not my finest moment."

Davenport looked over at me as I nodded, adding, "And I'll help watch over them and Leo." Leo then hit me on my arm after glaring at me while I only grin innocently at him.


I feel someone shake my shoulder gently as I sit up straight quickly, waking up; I must've fell asleep. I have been training hard extra and going on missions more.

"What's got you so tired, Des?" Chase asked beside me, his hand still on my arm lightly.

"Work." I simply answer just as the lab doors opened and Donald came running inside excitedly.

"It's here! It's here! It's here!!!" Donald said while freaking out in excitement.

"What? What is it?" Bree asked curiously.

"I hope it's something with a lot of masculinity." I remark, sarcasm evident in my tone. Davenport looked at me while I hold my hands up in slight surrender.

"I have to agree with Princess over there. I never want to see that again!" Eddy chimed in.

"Just come here." Davenport told us before we all followed him into the garage. "Meet the world's first self-driving car, designed by yours truly! That's right, just when you thought I couldn't get any more awesome. Boom! I got more awesome!"

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