Three Minus Bree

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*Five Months Later*

I clean off my silver katanas and place them back in the case on my back after leading our army against the Kishi which are basically just two-faced demons. They have an attractive male's face on the front of its body and a hyena's face on the back. We won and they won't be stepping over our line anytime soon.

I walk into the castle and over to the thrones where my parents sat. "They won't be stepping over our boundaries anymore." I announce proudly.

"Excellent work, Des." My father replied while standing up and over to me, wrapping a fatherly arm around my shoulders. "What's on your mind, Princess?"

I bite my bottom lip and look down at the floor and over at my father. "I've been meaning to ask. What's a soulmate?"

"It's... Well, it's like a best friend but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's someone who makes you a better person- Actually, they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself because they inspire you." David said while we walked down the hallway.

"A soulmate is someone who you carry wth forever. It's the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would." He continued, "And no matter what happens, you'll always love them. Nothing can ever change that."

I immediately thought of Chase throughout his whole explanation. My silver heart locket began to glow a golden color. I move my hand to the locket and hold it like I've done countless time these past five months.

"Looks like you found your soulmate. Is he here?" My dad observed. I shake my head as he gently pull me into a reassuring hug, his hand on the back of my head.

"For me, it's like breathing. He's the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning. And when I go to bed, it's the last thing I think about. It's what drives me to be better, do better, try harder." I murmur softly, still in my father's arms.

"Your locket is a symbol of yours and his love. Just now, when it glowed, it means you were both thinking about each other at the same time." David replied, releasing me from the hug as I look at him.

"But... As badly as I miss that place and everyone and- and Chase, especially Chase... I don't want to leave here. It's home. I- I'm home." I admit with a small sad smile.

David smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders again, squeezing it reassuringly, saying, "And we're really happy that you're home."

*Davenport-Dooley Residence*

"Ugh! I wish Des was here. She'd help convince Mr. Davenport to let me go to the concert or Study Abroad!" Bree complained, missing the sarcastic brunette superhuman. Bree had already ran out of the door and decided on going to the concert.

"I miss her too." Chase, Adam, and Leo murmured. The power start short-circuiting as it flickered. The three boys exchanged a look and ran downstairs towards the lab.

"What's going on, Big D?" Leo asked as something sparked in the air and then turned into a purple with blue and green colored portal. "Is it Des?" He asked hopefully.

"I don't know what's happening." Donald admitted, checking his cyber desk and started running tests on the portal. 

*Back in the realm of Aerofexus*

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