Rise of the Secret Soldiers

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I was sitting at the counter, along with the trio, when Leo walked in with a box in his hand. "Good news, my famous bionic peeps! Your new PR guy came through big time." Leo announced proudly.

"Please tell me it's not another celebrity game show." Chase replied, "We always lose."

"Probably because one of you always hits the buzzer too soon and doesn't know the answer." I remark sarcastically, looking over at Adam.

"In my defense, I thought hitting the buzzer was the right answer." Adam commented.

"You remember that big magazine interview we got you guys?" Leo said, "The article just came out, thanks to yours truly-"

"Destiny Moore and Leo Dooley." I finish. They start to read the magazine and discover that Adam is looked to be the leader of their group with the brilliant masterminds of Leo and I. "Awesome! I'm mentioned in the article." I say, high-fiving Leo and Adam.


"And we're live in three, two, one." The cameraman stated, holding up the camera as they start the reality show.

I was standing slightly behind the cyberdesk, not talking because I didn't want to make a fool out of myself. Davenport and Leo took off running out of the lab.

I stifle back a laugh when the camera turned around to look at Adam who had took off his shirt. "Oh, boy." I murmur, knowing that this reality show was going to end up a disaster.

Then the President called and gave them a mission alert. "I don't think you guys should bring the camera crew with you." I tell them, standing beside Bree.

"Hey, speaking of the mission, are you going to go with us?" Bree curiously asked me.

I glance over at the camera who was watching us and back at her, saying, "I don't think so. I'll just stay and lead you guys through on comms."

They left as I put my earpiece in my ear and go upstairs to see what Leo was doing. Perry and a bunch of other people had then walked in. "Uh, Leo? What's going on?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't know." Leo answered, "Perry, get them out of here! This is private property."

"So? Alright, people, help yourself to the bionic people's food, but leave me some salami!" She told the tourists.

"Perry, if you don't leave, I'll call the cops." Leo tried again.

"So?" She repeated.

"And your parole officer." I point out. Perry widened her eyes and moved everyone outside of the house. "That woman is definitely something."

"Yeah, no kidding." Leo muttered.

There was a lot of arguing going on between the trio as I listen to them in my earpiece. "Guys, stop! You have to fix that transformer." They continued to argue and fight just as our power went out in the house. I let out a sigh and shook my head in frustration. "Leo, I'm starting to think that this reality show was a mistake."


Leo and I watch the angry mob on our lawn, protesting to make the bionic trio to go away. "Man, this is bad. And where is Perry? She went out there like twenty minutes ago." I told Leo just as Adam, Bree, and Chase walked into the room.

"Guys, what's all that noise?" Chase asked us.

"Protestors. They want you three to leave Mission Creek." I answer.

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