Smart and Smarter

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Leo and I walked over to Bree and Adam who was at his locker. "Hey, Des. Hey, Leo. What's that?" Bree said, gesturing to the paper in my best friend's hands.

"My progress report. I can't believe my science teacher says I'm always late to class." Leo complained.

"You are always late to class." Adam and I pointed out.

"I know that, but I don't need it publicized." Leo said.

"Look at this! An A-minus!" Chase commented, running over to us and stopping between Adam and me. "I knew my Home Ec teacher had it in for me. Aways criticizing my muffins." He showed us his progress report.

"Ha ha! I beat you! I got a D-Plus! Plus because I'm better!" Adam said, showing his report proudly.

"Adam, the plus is-" Bree started just as I covered her mouth.

"No, no, it makes him happy." I whisper to her as she nodded. I uncover her mouth by removing my hand.

"D is not a good grade. But we don't expect you to get good grades." Chase said towards his brother and then turned towards us, "I'm engineered to be the smartest person on the planet, and I just got an A-Minus. I've been relegated to the huddled, unwashed masses of minuses, like you!"

"Smartest person on the planet, huh? Alright. Check it out, Boys. All A-Plusses." I reply, pulling my perfect progress report out to show all of them. They looked at it in amazement and awe. Bree and I high-fived. "This is why girls rules!"

"Oh, and our Home Ec teacher gave a positive note. See?" I point out.

"Destiny is an incredible cook. Her crème brûlée is amazing. This student is going to achieve great things." Chase read aloud the note. His shoulders slumped a little and sat down on the bench.

"Chase, I know this must be hard for you, but, I mean, look at the bright side-" I start, my hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

"Seeing you fall flat on your face is really fun for us." Bree finished, sitting beside him on the bench.

"I have got to find a way to reclaim my superiority." Chase commented.

"Well, you could sign up for the student of the semester competition." Leo suggested.

"What's that?" Chase asked, perking up.

"Every semester, kids compete to see who can improve the school. Whoever gets the most votes wins free pencils, a bumper sticker, and a cheesy picture of himself on the wall!" I answer as Leo and I gesture to the wall of the staircase where a picture of a student was at.

My watch lit up with the words Mission Alert on the screen as it vibrated. I cover it with my hand.

"And that cheesy picture will show everyone that my brilliance reigns supreme! I am so gonna win!" Chase replied.

"I call your free pencils! No, wait, I'll take the cheesy picture. They both sound so good!" Adam said.

The bell rang then as Adam and Chase looked at each other. "Race ya!"

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