Lab Rat D: Pt. 1

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I was sitting in the chair beside my father's infirmary bed, watching Donald check his vitals and make sure everything was okay; I was holding my dad's hand as he looked over at me with half-closed eyes and a small smile

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I was sitting in the chair beside my father's infirmary bed, watching Donald check his vitals and make sure everything was okay; I was holding my dad's hand as he looked over at me with half-closed eyes and a small smile. "Is he okay?" I quietly ask Davenport.

Donald glanced over at me and nodded, saying, "He's got a minor concussion, which is probably from whatever caused him to have that cut on his forehead. But, other than that, there's no broken bone or any illnesses. He's going to be okay, Des." I smiled a little as Donald squeezed my shoulder in reassurance. "For now, David needs to rest."

"Thanks, Big D." I murmur as he nodded and left out of the infirmary, leaving me and my father alone now. David had fell asleep, which is good because he needs it. I let out a sigh and move my other hand on top of our joined hands. "I'm glad that you're okay, Dad, and I've missed you. A lot." 

*Third Person's POV*

Donald walked into the main room from the infirmary and noticed four teenagers and his brother waiting for the news. "Her dad will be okay." He spoke first as everyone let out a relieved sigh.

"Is Des going to leave with him?" Bree asked the question on everyone's minds. She was sitting in one of the stools beside a cyberdesk as she looked at Donald.

Davenport sadly smiled and admitted, "I don't know... If she does, we have to support her on her decision. And, we have to remember it's her choice. This is a pretty difficult situation for Des, and we have to be just there for her."

"And we will." Leo answered as Douglas added, "Always."

"She's part of our family, part of the team, " Chase quietly spoke up, "We're supposed to stick together until the end..."

"Yeah. What do we do if she does decide to leave us and go back with him?" Adam asked, not wanting the brunette to leave them, like the rest of them.

"Be there for her if she comes back." Douglas slightly repeated his brother with a small nod. He didn't want to lose Destiny either; She's like a daughter to him. She's the one person who truly believes in the man, despite it all.

Destiny had heard the whole thing from behind the wall and let out a sad sigh, her lip trembling slightly. This is the difficult choice that she didn't want to make. She couldn't. Destiny walked back into the infirmary and sat in the chair again, holding her father's hand again, but also moved her other hand across her face, resting her forehead on it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.


David woke up and opened his eyes slowly, noticing his daughter sitting in the chair beside his bed; She had fell asleep, her head resting on her arm on his and was holding his hand. He smiled, his eyes watering. I found our daughter, Liz. I found her.

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