Spider Island

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I was playing a video game on the cyberdesk with Leo who had skipped the first field trip with Donald and the rest of the students. We decided to spend the day together and just relax, considering we haven't really done much of all that lately. I laugh after I sunk one of his ships just as Douglas walked into the room on the phone.

"Yes, Donny, I'll take out the garbage... No, Donny, I won't experiment on the kids' bionics when they're asleep again." Douglas said on the phone with his brother. Leo and I look up from what we were doing and over at him in shock. Douglas put the cellular phone down for a second and told us, "It was one time and you didn't even notice." He put the phone back up to his ear and spoke up, "I gotta go. Yes, I miss you too." He hung up and turned back to us. "Well, Donny and the students made it to Gettysburg for their first official field trip."

"Yeah, bionic kids and cannonballs. What could possibly go wrong there?" I remark, my usual sarcasm evident in my tone.

"You're a student. Why didn't you go?" Douglas asked Leo curiously.

"Oh, Big D thinks I'm there. When he takes attendance, I paid a kid five bucks to yell 'here' and another kid ten bucks to say 'shut it, Leo'." Leo explained as I nodded in confirmation that he really did waste money like that. Just then, Bree walked into the room with two books in hand as the boy moved over to her. "Oh, hey Bree! I ditched the field trip so I could hang out with you guys. What should we do on our day off?"

"Our day off? Nope. This is my day off and I've already got it all planned out. I'm gonna sit by the pool and read a book. I'd ask you to join me, but I live and work with my family, so I'm sick of all of you." Bree corrected him.

"Feelin' the love there, Bree." I reply sarcastically and grinned.

Chase walked into the room then to where the three of us was standing at. "Oh, hey, Chase, want to hang out?" Leo asked him curiously.

"Sorry, Leo, gotta make most of my day off. I already organized the weapons vault, alkalized the island's water system, and taught a cute little group of dolphins to wave hello. Next up, some light reading. Ooh!" Chase answered while grabbing one of Bree's novels and literally speed read it in a matter of seconds. "She ended up marrying the vampire? I did not see that coming."

Bree grabbed her book back and glared at him as he looked at her in slight confusion and apologized. "Oh, hey, Adam-" Leo started just as the other brother walked into the room and over to his siblings and me.

"Nope." Adam cut him off while carrying a large rock with what looked like a spider fossil on the front. Leo tried again, "I didn't even ask you anything yet." Adam glanced at him and replied, "Oh, I'm sorry, go ahead."

"Thank you, would you like to hang-" Leo attempted to ask again as Adam cut him off again, "Nope. Hey guys, check out this rock I found on shore. I had to dig it out from under an old wooden box of yellow coins and jewelry."

"Adam, that's not a rock, it's a fossil. Let me see that." Chase said, managing to get the rock from his brother and set it on the table as we all crowded around him. He scanned it with his bionic eye and looked at us and commented, "This is a prehistoric sea spider. It went extinct a million years ago."

"Way to go, Chase, you made my rock boring." Adam replied and pulled me into the other room. He held up a small gold coin on a black necklace cord. "I found this in that wooden box earlier also and wanted to give it to you."

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