Robot Fight Club

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*Someone's POV*

"She is with a family that really doesn't appreciate her and they don't even deserve her." The brown eyed woman told her brother as they continued to watch the super brunette teen who was currently eating pancakes with the Moore family.

"Is it time to meet her yet?" The man asked his sister, looking up from the tablet currently on the desk.

"Not yet. First, she needs to remember her true past... how she got to this place when she was just a baby and where she came from." The woman answered.


"Des! Will you join Chase and me in the annual Mission Creek Robot Throwdown? With you, our robot will be undefeated most definitely." Leo said over the phone.

"Big D try to take over your team?" I ask while holding the phone between my ear and neck, shoveling another bite of pancakes into my mouth.

"Duh, which I guess that would be our fault since we did say that he could join in the first place." Leo answered, "So, will you help us?"

"Umm, yeah, sure. I'm on my way over there, okay?" I reply, standing up from my seat at the table and taking my plate to the sink.

"See ya in a little bit." Then we hang up as I walk out of my house, closing the door behind me, and head over to the Davenport-Dooley residence. I walk down to the lab and see a destroyed robot on the table.

"Whoah. What happ- Davenport do this?" I comment as Leo and Chase nodded. "That's alright. We can make a new one, a better one."

Both of them grinned big and nodded again. "Yeah! Let's do this!"


The three of us finished our robot just in time and every contestant had started gathering in the arena area. There was Kevin Stone and all of his trophies behind his robot which was a bit bigger than ours.

"Next up, the competitor who's taken home the Robot Throwdown trophy five years running- Kevin Stone and his robot the Merchant of Menace!" The announcer stated through his microphone, "And finally, competing together for the first time... Leo Dooley, Destiny Moore, and Chase Davenport- and their robot Josh!"

Everyone was cheering until they heard our robot's name and stopped their loud cheering and applauding. "Josh? It was the girl's idea, right?"

I look over at the announcer unamused and fold my arms across my chest. "Actually, it was not!" I comment to the guy, smirking over at Chase.

"I didn't know the name was supposed to be scary." Chase admitted in a whisper to Leo and me as we look at him.

"The name was supposed to be scary." We tell him in unison.

"Hold on, we have one more contestant, and he requested us to turn down the lights." The announcer continued as we exchange questioning looks, "Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for the mechanic who makes them panic, the robot freak of Mission Creek, the inventor with the spl- Okay, I ain't reading all of these."

"Please don't say his name." I murmur under my breath as I held my controller in one hand and held Chase's free hand in my other hand.

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