Concert in a Can

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I drop my backpack on the living room floor and plop down on the couch. There was two hours left until we had to leave to go to the Parent-Teacher night. If all goes well, I can go to the Riffraff Jammy Jam, a concert, with Leo.

"Des, did you clean your room?" My mom asked.

"Yes." I answer.

"Did you finish your homework?" She asked from the kitchen.

"Obviously. I won't have homework again until like two months because I skipped ahead of my classmates." I answer bored.

"Well, come help set the table for dinner." She stated. I roll off of the couch and walk over to the kitchen, grab plates and silverware, and set the table in the dining room. "And don't forget about the Parent-Teacher night tonight."

"I know. You'll get positive comments from my teachers." I say confidently, smiling.

"Dinner time!" Mom called out as Emily turned visible beside me and sat in her chair. Blake super speeded down the stairs and to his chair. Justin teleported to the table through shadows by his power and sat in his chair. Dad flew down the stairs and sat in the chair at the head of the table.

I sit down between Emily and Dad as Mom brought over a platter of raw chicken. "Uh, it's not cooked, Mom." Emily said.

"Oh, I knew I forgot something." Our mother replied, heating up the chicken by a fire on her hand. She set it onto the table. "Careful, it's hot."

We dig in and eat.


I walk inside of the school with Justin and my parents. The twins doesn't go to Mission Creek High yet because they're only eight. I saw the trio and walked over to them.

Tasha pulled Leo aside and told him, "I am very disappointed in you, Leo, and you are not going to that concert."

"What?" Leo said.


"But I-"


"But they-"


"But fine." Leo muttered disappointed.

My parents and Justin walked in the gym as I remain behind. I step over to Tasha and Leo. "Wait. He can't go to the concert? But why?"

"Des, I'm sorry, but Leo got into trouble with the principal." Tasha answered.

"But what if you just-" I start.

"No." Tasha cut me off with a shake of her head. I step back and stand beside Chase. Perry led Donald, Tasha, and Leo into the gym.

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