Memory Wipe

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"Guys, I just want to say how deeply sorry I am that I didn't tell you that I was bionic- or the superhero Quake. There were a lot of times I wanted to tell you, but I just couldn't..." I start while trailing off.

The five of us was in the lab, playing cards because they had got grounded last night for sneaking in after curfew.

"We know you're sorry, Des. Mr. Davenport told us that you just wanted to keep us safe and that you are actually the reason of us being heroes." Chase replied.

"Yeah, you basically have always been there for us, protecting us without any second thoughts about it." Bree added.

"So, when you're in your own home, do you also sleep in a capsule?" Leo asked curiously while looking up from his cards in his hand and at me.

"Sometimes, but mostly, in an actual bed." I answer truthfully.

"If we hadn't found out about Douglas, then would you have told us about your secret?" Chase asked.

"I'd like to think so... If I thought that you guys wouldn't be in danger because of it, then yes." I answer hesitantly. "So... Do you guys forgive me?"

"You're forgiven, Des." The trio and Leo said with no hesitation.

"I hate being grounded. Is the three weeks over yet?" Adam commented.

"It hasn't even been a day." Bree pointed out.

"Guys! Guys! I did it! I finally did it!" Davenport stated excitedly while running into the lab and over to us.

"Graduated to big boy shoes?" Leo said.

"No. I finally achieved something I have wanted my whole life." Davenport replied.

"A Presidential Award?" I guessed.

"Yes! I won the Presidential Metal for Scientific Achievement!" Donald replied.

"Mm. That's great."

"Yeah, I think I got one of those for doing pull-ups in gym class."

"I don't think so."

"Oh, yeah, you're right. It was push-ups." Adam corrected himself as I shake my head in amusement.

"This is the highest honor a scientist can receive." Davenport stated proudly, "My picture's gonna be plastered online and offline. If there's a line, my face if gonna be on it."

"So, what did you win it for?" I ask curiously.

"My Neural Scrambler." Donald answered while pulling out a small invention, "This thing is going to revolutionize the field of neurology."

"Huh?" Adam asked.

"The brain." Chase answered.

"Ohhh!" Adam replied.

"How does it work?" Leo asked.

"It can erase specified time increments of neural associations in the cerebral cortex-" Davenport began to explain.

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