Drabble One - A Hidden Picture

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I got bored. What could I say in my defense? Sure, going through people's stuff probably wasn't the most polite thing to do, but if I put it all back just right, and made sure the box was still in the same place, what was the harm?

Kota and Silas had been with me, but running out on an Academy job had left me alone and curious. Kota's cupboard sat in the corner of his room, painted white like all the rest of the wall. I almost wouldn't have noticed it, unless I'd looked closely to the tip.

Paint was scuffed at the edges of the cupboard's door, only slightly. I'd only seen it a week ago, but my interests had peeked. I'd never really been alone, or had the confidence to do it.

But I had. After ten minutes of psyching myself up and convincing my brain that it was only a mild bit of curiosity and nothing bad could come of it, I'd pulled the door open.

Maybe I had been a little disappointed. A big, square, cardboard box sat in there, rather dull looking. But there was a box, and the contents of the box might be exciting.

I had tugged it out, pulling it open carefully. And oh, hell, jackpot!

The first thing I saw was a photo album. Well, let's see what was in there, shall we?

I pulled it out, smoothing my hand across the cover. It felt smooth, with light indents where the blue-green pattern had been pressed into it. The words Photo Album were pressed in silvery print, flowing. I almost giggled. Sort of girly.

When I opened it, the first picture wasn't embarrassing. All the boys, sat on a long rock wall, arms round each other's shoulders. They looked younger, maybe a year or so, and big grins on them.

It was a wonderful picture, so kind and warm. Even Mr. Blackbourne was on there, even if the only smile he had was his trademark millimeter one.

I smiled. I flicked through about five other pages of nice, heart-warming Oh-I'm-All-Fuzzy-Inside friendship pictures before I came across the most excellent photo I had ever laid eyes upon.

I was laughing so hard I doubled over. I was laughing so hard I didn't hear footsteps.

"Pookie?" That stunned me out of my laughing. I turned around. I started laughing again.

"Pookie, what are you looking at?" Choking back my laughter, I beckoned Dr. Green.

"That is you right?" I asked, gesturing to the young man in the picture.

The young man dressed in a black-and-white stripy speedo, a sombrero and nothing else. The young man riding a bicycle made for two on his own, grinning wildly.

"Oh sh*t! Sang, don't look at that! Kota said he burnt them all, the little..!" he shouted, trying to tug the photo from my hands. I released it and stared at him.

"Why?" was all I asked.

He smiled a little at his victory, tearing the picture up into little pieces. Part of me was sad. The world just lost the greatest picture in the world. A terrible loss.

Dr. Green shook his head sadly.

"Oh, dearest Pookie; don't drink. Just... Never drink..."

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