Drabble Thirty - Let's Play A Game

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I was swinging in the monkey bars, trying to escape Gabriel who was following me. I'd never win, he was much stronger and faster than me, but I wanted to try.

"I'm gonna get you, Trouble," he yelled behind me and I let out a little 'no' and sped up. I glanced over my shoulder, and wished I hadn't. He was grinning at me, only a few bars behind me.

"Please Meanie! Don't! Please!" I shrieked, but it was too late. A strong arm slid round my waist and he dragged me down, both of us landing on the tarmac and him hugging me from behind. He put his chin on the top of my head and I smiled, leaning back in his chest.

We were alone in the kids' park, since it was the old one and people preferred to go to the newer, shinier ones dotted around the area. For a while we just stood in comfortable, content silence, before he kissed the top of my head and swung me out, making me spin as if we were dancing.

He pulled me back in, dipping me so that my hair touched the floor.

I got the strange urge to close the small difference of space between our lips but I didn't want to wreck the moment, so I stayed still. If he wanted to kiss me, he'd do it himself.

Instead, he just let me back up and let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly, wondering if I'd done something wrong.

"Nothing," he said and gave me a grin, "how 'bout we play a game?"


"Truth or Dare, it is, then." Didn't truth or dare need more players? I guess it would work though, so I nodded.

We walked over to the seesaw, me taking one end and him taking the other.

"Truth or dare, Trouble?"


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