Drabble Four - Sexy And I Know It

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~Mr. Blackbourne~

I could be myself. Finally, after this act, this hiding of my true self, I could be free. I turned to Nathan, nodding professionally.

"Stereo, please, Mr. Griffin."

We could begin.


I took a perilous journey, with many risks toward myself, all to get to Nathan's house with a lemon cake. I dodged a stray soccer ball, hell bent on taking me down, a pair of banshee screaming little girls playing hopscotch, and a group of pram-wielding mothers threatening to gossip me to death.

I hoped they knew what a risk I was taking for them, Nathan and Mr. Blackbourne.

Of course, they didn't. I was surprising them with a lemony treat, of the most incredible deliciousness if I do say so myself.

Opening the door precariously, balancing the cake with one hand, I listened. There was a light thump of music. I frowned.

Nathan nor Mr. Blackbourne seemed like the types to listen to the pop style song I could faintly hear. I didn't know the actual name, but I could tell what genre it would likely fit in with.

I closed the door carefully, and made my way closer to the music. It was obviously playing loudly, but it was so muffled by the walls. It was coming from Nathan's bedroom.

Bumping the door open with my hip, I was met with the heavy blast of music. So much so that it covered the sound of the door opening. So much so it covered the sound of the cake dropping as I stared in disbelief.

The image would be forever seared into my mind.

The two men, stood together, side by side. Oh, yes, and dressed as women.

Not that they weren't pretty women... But...

Mr. Blackbourne was wearing a tight, short, red dress with fishnet stockings and black high heels. His hair was tugged back into a large, afro-style blonde wig and his lips were bright red.

Nathan was in an even tighter, even shorter pink and black leopard print dress, his lips hot pink and his legs covered by black tights. His shoes were knee-length black boots and his hair was in a silky, red wig that hit his waist.

Women. They were dressed as women.

And then the worst thing happened.

The put their hands on their hips, in unison, and tilted forward like a catwalk model. I tugged the lemon cake out of sight and hid behind the doorway, pulling out my phone. No way was I not filming this.

I poked my head out, just in time to film it.

They strutted a step forward to the music, opened their mouths and...

"Ah! Girl look at that body!

Ah, I work out!

Ah! Girl look at that body!

I work out!"

They began, singing in loud, feminine voices. Oh my... My thought was cut off.

"When I walk in the spot, yeah, this is what I see, okay,

Everybody stops and they staring at me

I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it,

show it, show it, show it

I'm sexy and I know it!"

All thoughts left my head as they did their dance moves. Scarred. For. Life. They swung their hips and danced down to the ground in what I could only think of as stripper-mode.

They sung again, both on the floor, their hands reaching out like claws. It was perfect, my camera got it all wonderfully.

"Check it out

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle yeah!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle yeah!

Do the wiggle man

I do the wiggle man


I'm sexy and I know I- SANG?!"

They caught me. I pressed save on the recording button, discretely pressing multi-text, so all the others would have it. There'd be more copies that way.

"Miss Sorenson!"

"Peanut!" They both shouted, trying to stop me. I crossed my arms, leaned against the doorway and smirked.

"As pretty as you two are," I said, "care to explain?"

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