Drabble Twelve - Facebook Group Chat - Dr. Who

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Did I really want to do this? The strange happenings of the time before still haunted my mind, although that coffee was really good.

I had to try again, just out of curiosity. Bracing myself, I logged into Facebook.

*Sang Sorenson has logged into chat*

Sang Sorenson: Hi.

North Taylor: No. Not again. Please not again.

Amy Pond: Hello! Have you seen the Doctor?

Sean Green: Never fear, the doctor is here! What do you need?

Doctor Who: IMPOSTOR! I'm the Doctor.

Sean Green: I feel rather foolish now.

Sang Sorenson: Doctor Who?

Doctor Who: That's my name, don't wear it out.

Amy Pond: There you are, you hiding little *******.

Gabriel Coleman: Oh god, not again.

Victor Morgan: That's it. Next time I'm giving you lessons on how to make friends. Rule 1: Don't go on Facebook.

Doctor Who: Amy. Language. Don't hit me. My amazing good looks need to be shared with the world before they're ruined.

Nathan Griffin: Dear lord, his ego will equal Kota's.

Doctor Who: Never. I take pride in my ego, and it outshines all.

Kota Lee: Sang has requested astonishingly amazing presence. I warn all that have not met me; you may be put into a state of ecstasy because I'm here. Don't worry. It's normal.

Amy Pond: Not two of them.

Sang Sorenson: I'm afraid so.

Doctor Who: I like this guy. He almost reaches my level of superb wonderfulness.

Kota Lee: That's only the beginning. My ego levels are rather advanced.

Silas Korba: Sang, you know I don't like you on Facebook, but these guys don't look like total nutcases, I suppose...

Owen Blackbourne: Mr. Korba is correct, you could continue this conversation without our intervention, if you were careful.

Luke Taylor: Speak for yourself. I like watching Sang's social interactions. They amuse me.

Sang Sorenson: Thanks. Thanks a lot for your faith.

Doctor Who: Amy? Do you have the Tardis?

North Taylor: Bloody hell, I'm almost afraid to ask.

Sang Sorenson: ...What's the Tardis?

Amy Pond: Don't tell me you lost it. HOW CAN YOU LOSE THE TARDIS?!

Doctor Who: ...With extreme levels of precision and skill?

Sang Sorenson: I'm sorta confused.

Owen Blackbourne: Me too. Do you care to elaborate Amy and ...Doctor?

Gabriel Coleman: If they're nutcases I'm going to steal Sang's laptop so she can't come on here again.

North Taylor: I'll join you.

Luke Taylor: Shhhh, you're ruining my entertainment.

Nathan Griffin: Shut up.

Victor Morgan: I'm just going to sit back and enjoy this.

Silas Korba: EVERYONE SHUT UP! I wanna hear this.

Kota Lee: I'll be quiet, but you'll be stealing the most exquisite voice from the world.

Sean Green: I think you're mistaking yourself for me.

Sang Sorenson: Sorry, now that my idiot friends are done, could I hear what the Tardis is?

Doctor Who: Well...

Amy Pond: You wouldn't believe us. It's crazy.

Sang Sorenson: You wanna hear what happened last time on Facebook. Try me.

Doctor Who: It would be better if we showed you.

Sang Sorenson: Fine. I'll be waiting.

*Sang Sorenson signed out*

North Taylor: We're all going to her house too, right?

Kota Lee: Most indubitably.

*North Taylor signed out*

*Kota Lee signed out*

*Gabriel Coleman signed out*

*Victor Morgan signed out*

*Nathan Griffin signed out*

*Owen Blackbourne signed out*

*Sean Green signed out*

*Luke Taylor signed out*

*Silas Korba signed out*

Amy Pond: Well, then...

Doctor Who: You're great at making things awkward.

Amy Pond: Oh shut up, you goon. You never told me where you were, anyway.

Doctor Who: I was getting my bow-ties cleaned. And...buying a fez.

Amy Pond: You really like fez's, don't you?

Doctor Who: I may or may not have wrote a poem. Do you want to hear it?

Amy Pond: NO! No, I'm good, really.

Doctor Who: Too late.

Fez's are red,

the Tardis is blue,

these things are cool,

and so are you,

but not as much as me Doctor Who,

I'm much hotter,

than you will be ever.

Amy Pond: ...I'm going to go find the Tardis, you ego-maniac.

Doctor Who: Don't leave me alone!

*Amy Pond signed out*

Doctor Who: Sigh. I can defeat the daleks, but finding the sign out button is so hard.

Doctor Who: I feel alone, like the empty cold world has turned against me. Oooh, I'll write that down in my poem book!


*Doctor Who signed out*

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