Drabble Twenty-Four - A Caterpillar's Delicate Heart

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~Cameron the Caterpillar~

Cameron paced back and forth, his wings twitching with anxiety.

He could see Sean through the window, singing his favorite song and icing a cake, and what he said perfectly described him. 'I'm too sexy for my shirt'. It was like music to his ears. Sure, it was actual music but it sounded like...Better music.

Should he go in? What if Sean didn't want him. But what if he did? He had to try.

Just as he was about to flutter through the open window, Sean's door flung open and an extremely beautiful girl walked in.

Sean grinned at her, flourishing the cake. Raspberry and chocolate. His heart shattered a little bit.

He only ever made that for Cameron.

The girl smiled, and Sean pulled her into a hug. The hug became a kiss.

Cameron backed away from the window. It was clear. He wasn't wanted.

A tiny butterfly tear trickled down his cheek as he took off into the sky, with one thought on his mind;

He was going to end it. All of it.

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