Drabble Seven - Facebook Group Chat - Harry Potter

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Sang Sorenson: Uh, hi?

Harry Potter: Oh, hello!

Ginny Weasley: HARRY! Are you talking to another girl?! I will Avada kadavra your ass!

North Taylor: Sang Baby, who are you talking to?

Sang Sorenson: I don't really know.

Lord Voldemort: Foolish fools, you speak to the Dark Lord! Bow before me!

Luke Taylor: Sang...Uh...I think we should leave.

Ron Weasley: Bloody hell Harry! What are you doing, talking to muggles!

Gabriel Coleman: F*ck he just call us?

Hermione Granger: We're going to get in trouble!

Gabriel Coleman: Too late. Sang IS Trouble.

Nathan Griffin: Peanut? What are you doing?

Sang Sorenson: I discovered Facebook.

North Taylor: That's great. Undiscovered it.

Owen Blackbourne: Miss Sorenson? What is this?

Lord Voldemort: I will murder you all, filthy muggles!

Harry Potter: Let's end this the way we started it! Together!

Sean Green: ...Pookie, I know we're not ones to talk, but you make really weird friends.

North Taylor: Agreed.

Kota Lee: Yup, Sang, you probably shouldn't try to make friends with weird people online.

Nathan Griffin: Poor Sang.

Luke Taylor: Maybe we can give you lessons.

Owen Blackbourne: Wow, guys, you're probably doing wonders for her confidence.

Victor Morgan: Hey, we have to be truthful here. Princess, don't meet weird people online.

Gabriel Coleman: STOP INSULTING HER! She'll pout. You know what happens when she pouts.

Silas Korba: I'm staying out of this. You'll see who she'll be hugging later.

Sang Sorenson: Yeah, I have made some really weird friends. I'll just spend my time with Harry then!

Harry Potter: Yaaaay!

Ginny Weasely: What's that supposed to mean?! Do you like me more than her! You're so hurtful!

Ron Weasely: I tried to warn you, mate, Ginny's- OW! She just came and hit me. Ginny's a...A wonderful person.

Hermione Granger: Really, you two. You're so thick sometimes. Hello, I'm Hermione Sang. Nice to meet you.

Sang Sorenson: Nice to meet you too, Hermione. So you're surrounded by idiot boys too?

Victor Morgan: I take offense to that!

Sang Sorenson: Good. Hermione?

Hermione Granger: Yes! It's good to see I'm not the only one! Hogwarts is so full of idiots!

Sang Sorenson: ...Hogwarts? Never mind. D'you want go out for coffee.

Harry Potter: I've defeated the Dark Lord. I'm not thick.

Ron Weasely: Keep telling yourself that, Harry. I embrace my stupidity.

Hermione Granger: Love to! See you in ten minutes!

*Sang Sorenson has left the chat room.*

*Hermione Granger has left the chat room.*

North Taylor: So...

Lord Voldemort: Conga?

Harry Potter: YES!

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