Drabble Five - Ode To A Caterpillar

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~Dr. Green 3rd person because...Drama~

"Doubt the stars are fire,

Doubt the sun doth move,

Doubt the truth be a liar,

But never doubt I love you,

I love thee best, o' most best, believe it," Dr. Green called into the warmth of the sunshine, yet it felt cold on his skin. Cold and brittle without Cameron the Caterpillar to share it with him. He wanted to hate him, he really did, but his love had not wavered, not even when Cameron left him in his butterfly form.

He wanted to fill the gap, but nothing worked. Dr. Green needed him, to fill that caterpillar-shaped hole in his heart. Never mind he was a butterfly, he needed him no matter what.

His eyes lingered on the sun, wanting his true love to glide down to him, but nothing came.

Nothing ever would.

Hanging his head in bitter despair, he came in from the balcony, to look into the mirror.

He struck a pose.

"Ah well, old friend," He said sadly to his reflection, "at least you still look fantastic.

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