Drabble Forty-Eight - An Awkward Situation

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I tried to reach up on my tip toes to hang up some of the party streamers. The ladder tilted dangerously, and I bit my lip in the hopes that it would settle down. It did. Then:

"Peanut, get the hell down from there!" I let out a little yelp as I jumped from surprise. My fingers tried to grab something, anything, but to no avail. The ladder started to fall.

"Nathan!" I shrieked, falling.

It wasn't that far to fall, really, and that was the problem. I was dropping too fast to go into a safe position.

I hit something soft, and a loud huff was let out.

"Um, Honey?" I said quietly. There was no answer. I felt his chest rise and fall- Oooooh...

I looked down at myself. I had landed in an...awkward, to say the least, position on him. My knees were on either side of his hips and my lips were right next to his ear.

Suddenly, I flushed bright red. Not a gradual blush- a serious, full on 'oh sh*t' blush.


"Yes, Peanut?"

"Sorry I fell on you." He was quiet for a few long, long moments.

"That's quite alright." We stayed there for a while, both of us too embarrassed to move, when the door clicked open.

Mr. Blackbourne walked in carrying bags filled with party food. Both our heads turned at the same time.

One of his eyebrows arched, upsetting the usual calm, perfect balance.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked slowly. I moved, rolling off Nathan, and we both stood, trying to explain.

"The party-"

"And I was hanging up party streamers-"

"And the ladder tipped-"

"And I fell-"

"And then you walked in."

He looked to from me to Honey to back again.

"I'm...I'm going to put this food away," then he added, "you can resume what you were doing."

I blushed and stared down at my feet, with the odd feeling that I'd somehow hurt Mr. Blackbourne.

Drabbles and Containment by A Forum UserWhere stories live. Discover now