Containment Part 18

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Sang POV

I wake up and feel out of sorts, like I have sleep for a long time. The nightmare that I had was so different than my normal ones. I fell asleep with the television on and there is a special report about an infection that has broken out across the country.

I reach out for my phone and dial. He picks up on the first ring and I say, "North I had a nightmare."

Eight years later

I had been having nightmares since I was ten years old, but none were as vivid as the one that had about a zombie invasion and then learning that the boys and I were key to saving the world.

The dream, which we now referred to as "the zombie nightmare" spanned a five year period. In the dream I had a child, became an assassin and hated the boys. I guess I still have a few abandonment issues that I need to work out, but the dream was evidence that Nathan and I should not have another movie/TV marathons.

No I was not pregnant. North and I had not had sex at that point, but we had come very close the night before. After hearing about my dream he mumbled something about seeing Dr. Green, and getting over his fear of a scalpel, whatever that meant. I had my own talk with Dr. Green about birth control, because it was my responsibility as well to make sure that I would not become pregnant. While I knew in my heart that the boys would stand behind if it were to happen I knew that it was not a stress that I needed in my life at that time.

The world did not become overrun with zombies, but there was a pretty severe flu bug that went around not long after my nightmare. Some people died, and some were sick for months, but no one was running around wanting to eat brains.

The dream happened eight years ago. I completed my sophomore year at Ashley Waters and then joined the Academy when the boys' assignment was completed at the end of the year. Once I joined the Academy I found that my services were in high demand because of the combination of my ghost status and being a female so it only took me two and a half years to become positive in both favors and monetary debt. I graduated from the Academy about a year after the boys.

I might have graduated sooner, but I had to put aside enough money to cover my medical training, and the fact that I would take fewer assignments while I was doing my internship. It took me a while to decide what I wanted to do with my career, but after some long talks with the boys and Dr. Roberts I decided to become a child psychiatrist. It has been struggle at times, but with the help of the Academy, I graduated from medical school and completed my internship.

There are still times that it takes a few seconds to respond when someone calls me Dr. Sorenson, or when Sean calls me Dr. Pookie. One of my most treasured pictures is the one of Sean and I laughing as he was helping me put on my first white coat. He had just whispered in my ear seconds before how he wanted to take it off of me later, but that is story for another time.

Becoming a doctor meant that I had to give up my ghost status but being in a position to help the children made the decision an easy one.

I am still with boys, and we now live in a giant house that Victor purchased when everyone turned eighteen. While we don't publicize the fact that I have a relationship with all nine of the boys, it is not something that is a secret either. Similar to the Anderson and Tome teams, we had a commitment ceremony a few years ago, but legally I am still Sang Sorenson. Well as Sean keeps reminding me, I should say Dr. Sang Sorenson, especially if I am not wearing the white coat. I kid him about it, but wearing that coat is pretty amazing.

While everyone is still active in the Academy, there are other business ventures as well. North has an auto repair shop and owns a fleet of specialty vehicles that other Academy members can use for assignments. Luke bought Bob's Diner from Uncle when he decided to retire. Gabriel owns a small fashion design business. Owen, Silas, Kota and Nathan worked to open a community center for kids in the Charleston area. Owen is the executive director, Silas runs the athletic department, Nathan teaches marital arts, and Kota runs the after school and tutoring department. Sean still works at the Academy hospital, but we have been talking about opening a health center near the community center. If we can work out all of the legal requirements, Sean will provide primary care health services, and I will head up the social services side of the practice.

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