Drabble Twenty-Nine - Yo Momma

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~Instant Messages POV. IT'S A PERSON TOO! Okay, well it isn't...It just isn't from a particular point of view and I like pressing the 'bold' button~

Luke Taylor: Yo mama so fat that she only checked her email cos she heard it contained spam.

Gabriel Coleman: Yo mama is so fat. I'm not even gonna sugarcoat it cos she'd eat that too.

Nathan Griffin: Yo mama so fat she doesn't eat with a fork she eats with a forklift.

Sean Green: Yo mama so fat that when she fell in love she broke it.

Victor Morgan: Yo mama so fat that when she goes to the zoo elephants throw peanuts at HER.

North Taylor: Yo mama so fat that when she goes on the scales it says 'To be continued'.

Silas Korba: Yo mama so fat that when she went sunbathing on the beach they thought she was a whale and tried to drag her back in the ocean.

Kota Lee: Yo mama so fat I had to take three trains and a bus to get on her good side.

Owen Blackbourne: ...I find this very immature.


Silas Korba: Uhhhh...

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